lol my buddy just got an HTC amaze and i have to say that thing has made me consider getting a smart phone....i mean it take friggen Macro shots! that is sick!
I have both, iphone for work and droid personal, much bigger fan of the droid than the apple. Get a good protective case for that Aaron, one good drop and your going to be replacing it
I hated my I-phone and the navigation sucked on it. Droid Bionic with direct talk is way better than I-phone 4s, IMO. However all smart phone are cool and "WAY" smarter than me!
I think my Siri is broken... Everyone keeps telling me to ask it funny things and how funny the conversation was, then when I ask, she doesn't say anything back...
I recently ditched my Android since work bought me a 4s. I am finding it difficult to find certain things. I also hate the fact that because Jobs says I need certain icon's on the home screen, I cant get rid of it. I also miss my widgets.
I had iPhone's since near the an android based dual-core and don't miss that apple for ANYTHING!!
Congrats Wicked...they are worth they're weight most of the time. Took me months to figure out I had answers to almost everything in that little box, especially when I would be out and about and think, "if only I had my computer to find out"...DUH...the computer is in your pocket now!