WTB: 55+ Gallon Complete Setup

a bag of it

Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey guys, complete noob here. I'm looking to get into the wonderful world of reefs and the only thing stopping me is the cost. I was hoping someone on here had a complete setup they could sell me for under $250. Is that unrealistic? Should I just start with freshwater?

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
You can maybe find something cheap, or piece it together, remember cheap isn't always better in this hobby!
I would look to slowly piece it together so you can learn about chemistry and livestock prior to set up.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you buy used and can wait for a good deal then you can come close.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
I just waited and I got my setup pieced together, and that was definitely the way to go so you can learn about everything before buying the wrong/not needed items.

Just wait until you see deals on here, as they come up all the time.

And welcome!

a bag of it

Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
rockys_pride;163406 said:
Welcome! $250 is possible. What kind of space do you have? What kind of system do you want: FO, FOWLR, Reef?
Ideally I'd like a reef, but I'm a broke college student, so I'm more than likely going to have to work my way up to that. Maybe I'll start with a FOWLR setup until I can afford lights and the other necessary equipment for a full reef. As far as space goes, it's pretty limited at the moment, but I could probably make any reasonable size work. I'll be moving into a much bigger place in the fall, so I'm ok with the tank taking up half my living room for a couple months.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

If you are moving in the fall I would suggest buying the stuff and learning all you can asking as many questions as you can think of and then by fall you should have most of your equipment and a good understnading of what is required. Then setup you reef!

Otherwise you will be moving a tank that just finished its cycle and is still realitive unstable, which could lead to livestock loss and other issues.
If your looking to do a FO or FOWLR this would be a great start.
I have:

55 gallon + stand
enough crushed coral for atleast 1.5" to 2.5" sand bed *
2 bulb 48" T5ho light with fan(bulbs probably need to be replaced)
1 bulb T12 light with 6500k bulb
1 canister filter with extra replacement pads and media(I had it running on my main tank but I stopped it. I can restart it to get it seeded with bacteria if you like)
Several glass lids.
Then I have approximately 40lbs of dead rock that I would need to bleach and acid bath before I would sell. The filter would help seed this if you wanted to cycle it, but I would recommend not adding the crushed coral if you are going to move your tank soon.

I was thinking about $150 or so.

You would probably need an additional powerhead or two to improve flow.
If you did an intank fuge(would require adding a baffle, a small light, and something like a maxijet 1200) and some additional lighting, you could definitely get a reef tank going as this would improve filtration a lot.

Where are you located?


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Honestly, I'd wait until you move to set anything up. It's a huge pain moving everything and you'll be wasting money if you invest $$ into the freshwater setup, just to convert it to salt in a few months. My .02


M.A.S.C Club Member
yea i agree i moved my 55g about 15feet accross my basement and not only was it a HUGE pain but i also caused a cycle and some nasty algea blooms.

a bag of it

Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well I wouldn't be converting a saltwater to freshwater with that setup, it would be salt water fowlr until I moved, but I'm starting to get the feeling even that would be a huge pain in the ***. It's just hard to wait several months when you get your mind set on something, but by then I'll probably have more money to get exactly what I want.


M.A.S.C Club Member
+1 on saving i wish i wouldnt have rushed and got my 55g i mean i am happy with it but there is alot i do not like about it and i wish i would have saved a little and done ALOT more research befor diving in. There is alot of very help full people here that will help you lots!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Pretty sure my brothers not going to use it so I can offer up a 55g Acrylic that I just got from Gabe. Stand and sump included. PM me if you're interested. I could even throw in probably enough dry rock to scape it as well.