WTB: 55+ Gallon Complete Setup


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
The tank I referenced comes with all that. You don't have to buy it, just letting you know of some deals to be had. I really like the AIO tank packages (not the bio-cubes, I can't keep one of those alive to save my life) the tanks that come with lights, sump, pumps, stand, canopy that kind of stuff.

Depending on you space you might want a AIO tank though.


M.A.S.C Club Member
eh most use halids for deep tanks. if you go with this one you will just have to be creative with the rock and make sure your high light corals are near the top and lowere light ones are on the bottom.

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
What I did was visit a bunch of LFS and write down the fish and corals that appealed to me, then researched what it would take to keep them. This also shows you what stores are going to help you out, and which ones you won't want to return too (I found several of the latter) you may find that the fish that you want will require more than 55 gallons and the coral may not need as much light. It's better to research now than find out after your purchase that you need more!

a bag of it

Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Blazinjack;163735 said:
What I did was visit a bunch of LFS and write down the fish and corals that appealed to me, then researched what it would take to keep them. This also shows you what stores are going to help you out, and which ones you won't want to return too (I found several of the latter) you may find that the fish that you want will require more than 55 gallons and the coral may not need as much light. It's better to research now than find out after your purchase that you need more!
That would be great if I didn't live in Breckenridge. As far as I can tell, all the lfs are in the denver area.

As far as what I plan on keeping goes, I'll have to do more research as to what works well together, but some of the fish i'm interested in are: triggerfish, puffers, lionfish, madarins, eels, clownfish, tangs. I'm less familiar with corals, but a quick search leads me to believe I'm mostly interested in SPS hard corals and polyps, though LPS hard corals look pretty cool too. As far as inverts go, I really like anemones. urchins seem pretty cool. I'd probably keep some shrimp and snails as well.

a bag of it

Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Blazinjack;163735 said:
What I did was visit a bunch of LFS and write down the fish and corals that appealed to me, then researched what it would take to keep them. This also shows you what stores are going to help you out, and which ones you won't want to return too (I found several of the latter) you may find that the fish that you want will require more than 55 gallons and the coral may not need as much light. It's better to research now than find out after your purchase that you need more!
That would be great if I didn't live in Breckenridge. As far as I can tell, all the lfs are in the denver area.


M.A.S.C Club Member
well just from the list the some eels triggers and lions will eat mandrines small clowns, snails, and corals....most reef tanks are more of a peacefull aquarium. where a predator tank has less small fish and more mean ones lol


M.A.S.C Club Member
triggers are very cool but also get pretty big and eat ALOT! a 55g will be to small even for most juvinile triggers. i think the humu humu is the only one where a 55g is big enough for a juvi. i would love to have a 6ft+ tank full of triggers.
Blazinjack;163735 said:
What I did was visit a bunch of LFS and write down the fish and corals that appealed to me, then researched what it would take to keep them. This also shows you what stores are going to help you out, and which ones you won't want to return too (I found several of the latter) you may find that the fish that you want will require more than 55 gallons and the coral may not need as much light. It's better to research now than find out after your purchase that you need more!
Great advice. The whole game gets much more complicated when you want to keep both fish and coral.