Looking for a frag of ORA Oregon Tort, not the Cali Tort. If you have a frag you're willing to sell, please post a picture and the asking price and we'll talk about it. I am willing to go just about anywhere to get a piece, especially if it is a larger one.
Oregon is blue all over, Cali is blue at the tips but the stalk is greenish. Cali torts are very pretty, but I would like to have an Oregon in my tank too. I think you may be right about saltysamurai - maybe I'll shoot him a PM.
It's def an Oregon than its blue all over I had a frag but rtn got it. I'd live to try again. He's not far from me so I can pick it up if you need me to.
I have 1" fully encrusted frags ready to go for $50 each. If you want a bigger one I can cut just about any size you want. We will be open today from 3-5 if you want to stop by and take a look.