Not sure on the model of the needle valve that you have on that regulator, any chance it's marked? IMHO, a quality needle valve makes a huge difference in controlling your bubble count...and not having to fiddle with it and readjust because of poor reliability on a cheaper needle valve is a huge benefit.
A Fabco NV-55 will run you about $21...I had one and it was "set and forget" vs the no-name brand I had previously. An Ideal 52-1-12 is priced at like $70, and will probably offer more control than you need...but I only mention it to say that there is a wide price-range when it comes to needle valves, and for $21 you get a great amount of adjustment and reliability.
And no...I have not run a calcium reactor, lol. But I did run CO2 on planted tanks and have built a few DIY regulators for dosing in that hobby...accuracy is critical either way. Just food for thought, but if you are adding a bubble counter and solenoid, it may be worthwhile looking into a new needle valve. I should also mention...looking at that picture, I honestly don't see that the needle valve you have would allow you to hook up the bubble counter and solenoid...but I could be wrong. It's hard to tell from the pic: I don't know if the end that the CO2 tubing is connected to is a standard 1/8" male thread that you would be able to add a bubble counter and solenoid to inline...or if that is only threaded for the compression fitting.