As I'm getting caught up this morning.....
Denvercherub;103831 said:
that works you can have the third in the rastas and I will go in halves on the alien eyes with you. lol
Sounds like a plan.
Zoalander;103851 said:
Since you guys are going in on it 3 ways I'll knock the Rastas down to $60 so it will be $20 a piece to make it easier.
Denvercherub;103858 said:
so am I splitting aliens with anelman or am I doing the 3 way? guess I will just do the three way since he didnt reply.
Dude, you gotta give me time to sleep once in a while.
So, I'm good with whatever. I'd like some Aliens, some Candy Apple Reds, and some Rasta's. If we can work something out, that would be cool, if not, then maybe Alex can add me to the list for next time.