280g build....the longest build ever


Staff member
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I love the arch!! and the open sand for you massive zoa collecion I'd guess!!


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Not sure what I am gonna do with all the open sand yet, all I know is I like that look. Diamond goby and sand sifting star will like it too. :)


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Finally started a little of the plumbing. The 125g on the right will eventually just be my refugium. The tank on the bottom is the sump. I drilled the 125 myself and was thrilled I didn't crack it. These are both my holding tanks for now until I can get the 280 up.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks like a great setup! That sump sure is bad A$$!oh and nice work on the drilling :)
This is a great thread...I can only imagine the hours you've put in so far. I'll keep watching this thread as it's inspiring...even with the modest 55gl I'm putting together :)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looking good. That's a lot of inputs on that sump.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
iChillum;184092 said:
This is a great thread...I can only imagine the hours you've put in so far. I'll keep watching this thread as it's inspiring...even with the modest 55gl I'm putting together :)
Yes it has been a long journey but I am enjoying it so much more by taking my time and planning. Yesterday I started the sump/refugium setup at 3pm and finished at about 2am. Once I am done though it will be a very easy system to maintain.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
280g-reefman;184115 said:
No man, I need like 6 more tanks and then it would look like yours. haha
What your saying is I have a problem lol that sounded like my wife the first time she went to the basement and saw it all sitting there lol.

It's looking awesome man keep it up!! Do u have any plywood under the sump or just 4x4's if just 4x4s I would suggest getting a piece of ply wood so there's not any pressure points on it. I've heard horror stories of sumps all of a sudden breaking due to it


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I thought purple tangs were supposed to be aggresive...these two are like bff. I have a scopus, lavendar, yellow, purple and powder blue and they all get along.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I got around to plumbing the dt to my sump. Turns out in my fish room this is the only good place I could put a sink with running water and a drain without having to dig into concrete so I had to plumb around it a bit. Still turned out fine and gives my plenty of room to work with running into pipes. Used 1.5" pvc to carry the load of a reeflo barracuda as a return.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks good.


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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Made a little more progress today. Started plumbing the return lines from the reeflo today. Of course I forgot some parts so I have to go back to HD again. However got my 300gpd rodi in place so I will never have to carry buckets of water again to my 30g reservoir next to it for my ato. Yippeee! Also got the 80w uv sterilizer in place for plumbing. All in all it is coming along very nicely.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Slowly but surely.....got the plumbing done! All the pipes running off the baffles to the right either are returns to the dt or go to the refugium. The baffle on the left will feed my calcium reactor. Main return line from the pump runs directly to the big ole skimmer.

After thinking about it for a very long time I decided to run my return lines up through the ceiling so they are completely out of the way. This is what it looks like on the back wall.

And then you can see where they come out of the ceiling back to the dt. Turned out very nice as it gives me lots of room to work and access the back of my tank easily.

Last but not least by any means I got my first light hung. woo hoo!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Really liking the scape. Nice job.


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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
mdrumm;189221 said:
Sweet tank (it was mine!)

let me know if you want to know the history on that tank.

Would love to know the history of the tank. How many mp's did you run and are they 40's or 60's?