Here is a big photo dump of the QT systems. I mentioned the general goal before, but to help provide some context here, the QT is basically two separate systems. There's a coral QT and a fish QT. I don't plan on medicating the fish QT. The sump is one large box with two separate sumps built into one. They're a mirror image of each other. I have them plumbed so that with the turn of a valve, I can turn the two QT systems into one single system sharing water.
The coral QT is composed of a return pump which provides water to the shallow tank and a manifold for GFO and carbon. There's a modest RO skimmer. It's pretty simple.
The fish QT is composed of a matching return pump with matching GFO and carbon reactors and a matching RO skimmer. The return feeds x3 tanks above. That can be adjusted so that all three tanks feed into the sump, or any combination of running stand-alone. I made space for a HOB filter in each. They will each have their own heater and a modest circulation pump. The lights aren't in place yet.