APEX app on IPhone


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you are on cable, the Motorola surfboards are the best option in my opinion. Tons of good routers out there, I would look for more stability than speed. Like I said earlier, the linksys wrt54g is one of the most bulletproof routers ever made, but it's not flashy.


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Luke.Fraizer;356553 said:
I went with the surfboard 6141 and it is nothing flashy either! Working all well now!
Can you access with your phone app while away from home now?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yup I can. My home internet is slower than my phone internet so I never connect to it anyways. Works wonders! If you don't have this working and you have an apex it is just silly!