Bee's 90 build


M.A.S.C Club Member
Everyone loves pics so I'll just let them do the talking.
So the stand was originally built by me than I wanted it taller so I modified it. 40 breeder with baffles. Fuge, skimmer, bioballs, return. 2 AI's with a controller. The return is a reef octopus water blaster 5000. Skimmer and reactors are still on my 72. Tunze ATO, Eheim jäger heater. Everything will be moved over this weekend. What does everyone think?


M.A.S.C Club Member
rockys_pride said:
Meh, it would look better at my place....j/k looks great. What are you planning on stocking?
All this haha.
Blue hippo
Mimic tang
Midas blenny
Sunburst anthias
Pair of clowns
Pair of banghai cardinals
Red scooter blenny
Cleaner wrasse.

That's it for fish.

Good thing I have a massive skimmer


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Why is that last pic a bow front tank with a smooth canopy, you running 2 different tanks? Ohhhh, the 72 gallon :) fishies should love the biggger home for sure!


M.A.S.C Club Member
RefferMatt said:
Why is that last pic a bow front tank with a smooth canopy, you running 2 different tanks? Ohhhh, the 72 gallon :) fishies should love the biggger home for sure!
Bingo! Haha


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes, I was trying to figure out how you set it up. It almost looks like you have a deep sand bed of some sort on one side.

09bumblebee;167734 said:
What do you mean like what all is what and where?


M.A.S.C Club Member
kmellon said:
Yes, I was trying to figure out how you set it up. It almost looks like you have a deep sand bed of some sort on one side.
Yepp so from right to left. 5" sand bed, live rock, and cheato. Than skimmer. The drain is plumbed here first. I dont like my fuge to become a dump so it goes to slimmer first. Slimmer section overflows through bioballs, bubble trap and than return pump. The return is t'd off and that feeds the fuge.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Metalsniper said:
What did you use for the paneling on the stand; it looks nice.
Oak. Lots of sanding, more sanding and than some. 3 coats of stain and than 2 coats polyurethane.


M.A.S.C Club Member
kyuubichan218 said:
Where'd you get the oak? We're trying to figure out the best way to finish our stand now :)

Sent from my ADR6330VW using Tapatalk
Lowes had some 4' x 8' sheets in 3/4"


M.A.S.C Club Member
Laminated plywood works great to cause its strong and laminated on both sides, I think with pine so you get that nice look.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well I've just about have it all done. Got two really nice rocks from Chris at aquatic art. Skimmer, powerheads, and reactors are sitting in vinager. I'll finish cleaning them in the morning, load the reactors and it will be done. Still need to catch my cleaner wrasse and a bartlettes out of my 72 and than its all done. It's been a lot of work started moving corals around 7:00 Friday night and just finally sat down after cleaning up. I sure love this hobby. I'll post more pics once everything is open and happy again. Now it's time to play with lighting and slowly working my ai's up to around 80-90% well see what the corals like. I had an algea out break in my fuge do had to pull out the rock and cheato to treat it so that will go back in tomorrow as well.

As for sticking right now I have
Hippo - hawk
Bartlettes anthias - charley
Mandarin - ?
Green clown goby - stocker
Pr of clowns - squirt and squishy
Pr of tank bread banghai cardinals - ?
Cleaner wrasse - stripe
Midas blenny - meanie

Want to add powder brown and mimic tang (mine is in my buddies tank and there's no getting him out)

Melanius wrasse if Rey can catch him?