Biocube !4

I recently made the purchase of a new Biocube 14 nano aquarium. As of now I have Aragonite crushed coral substrate as well as 20 lbs. of BRS Eco rock dry aquarium rock I will receive that order by Friday. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of good DIY or non DIY projects that would benefit my upcoming reef aquarium! Any help or
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pictures of my current setup. View attachment 8114 View attachment 8116 View attachment 8115


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Look up the inTank baskets for your model. Worth every penny. Will let you run Chem-pure and Purigen in the back middle chamber. Pull the bio balls, then pull the false floor in chambers 1 & 2. Upgrade the return to an MJ900 or so. That should get you going for a while.


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I think 20lbs of rock will be more than sufficient for biological filtration, I'm thinking I will just keep the bio balls and see if my nitrates get to zero. If not I'm thinking I will make a media basket and throw some Purigen and Chemi Pure in it. I guess the tests will tell;)
My rock and test kits came in this week, here are some aqua scapeing pictures.
I am currently running the stock filtration with puregin and Bioballs, any suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!
Salinity 1.024
Ph 8.3
Ammonia 0.25 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 0 ppm
Temp. 79 F


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yea, the rocks look great.


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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Nice setup and rockscape. With that much live rock, its should take care of your most of biological filtration. I'm assuming your running it with power compacts? Depending on what kind of live stock your putting in, it should be fine for most LPS and even a few easy care SPS. Down the road, if your interested LEDS, the ecoxotic panorma LEDs fit nice in the biocube hood. I haven't tried the In-tank media baskets but I've heard good things about them.
Thanks to everyone for the supportive comments. Bad I appreciate the suggestions, I am currently running the power compacts and as of now just going to stick to softies.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
One more thing, it helped with my two nanocubes to have a powerhead to help reduce the amount of dead flow areas (especially if you have a lot of rocks). I use a koralia nano in both my tanks (14 bio and 12 jbj) and it seems to really help. Good luck, looking forward to more pictures as the tank matures!
Added 2 lbs of live rock today to seed my dry rock. Still no algae or any signs of the tank maturing, hopefully the live rock will do the trick!
After skimming over my new LR I found a strange almost Anemone looking thing although it is much much smaller. So small in fact that I could not manage to get a good picture. It seems as though it closes once my lights come on and then opens once they turn off. I am lost as to what it may be, it seems to be acting like some sort of Coral although it is so small I'm second guessing my initial thought that it is a Coral. I apologize for the not so great description and lack of a picture, any help would be great!

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm going to guess its aiptasia. Which is not all that uncommon in reef tanks. However it is a pest and you will want to eradicate it quickly if that's what it ends up being. Does it look like this? They can be smaller than peas and big as half dollars so really just looking for clear/brown coloring on aiptasia.

Its center is light brown in color and its tentacles are light brown as well with white bulbs on their ends. I think its to small to be Aiptasia, this thing is smaller than a thumb tack.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Like I suggested aiptasia can start out very small "smaller than peas" and get much much bigger. Either way I hope you are successful in id'ing whatever it is.
I turned off my lights and waited for the unidentified thing to open, thankfully I was able to get a decent picture.
I would guess its about 5cm in diameter, this thing is extremely tiny.