Well....I'm going to "assume" that Juan is stepping down as president as he was the one (juan) setting the deadlines and posting the information. With that said, as a current member of the BOD (if I'm reading this all correctly), I would highly recommend and appoint Aaron for new pres!
Again, I have absolutely no clue what I am actually suspose to do but according to this thread, Aaron now has 20% of the current BOD's support. I need three more "yays" and we have a new pres. Am I wrong?
I am sending pms to the following:
Amonchak - treasurer
dvenson - member at large
dv3 - secretary
Pisces II - member at large
scchase - member at large
If you, as new bod members, disagree with this "assignment" of a new president I highly recommend you speaking up before I get two more "yays"
p.s. Many many many thanks to everyone that has made this board possible, past, present and current. Thank you.