Car Stereos!


M.A.S.C Club Member
be careful we all know what boogie does while eating cheetos


M.A.S.C Club Member
odd...I like holding the cheetos till I'm done too...


M.A.S.C Club Member
Boogie;117414 said:
odd...I like holding the cheetos till I'm done too...
lmao ..TMI ..i just got the worst visual of you crushing some cheetos in your hands


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
dv3;117419 said:
lmao ..TMI ..i just got the worst visual of you crushing some cheetos in your hands
Dang you! Now I have a visual. Here's a morsel, I had a friend who would get drunk and order wings and a can of beans. We went to wake him up once, and only once, we found wing sauce all over the walls and.....substitute refried beans for cheetos.....

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Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Speakers are here! One issue, I have to make new holders because they're too big for the current size of holder. Looks like stereo will get here saturday, but harness won't get here until next week. Guess it gives me time to wire everything up and plug and play when it gets here.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Made all the connections and it worked, then I knocked the radio off its perch and it was beeping at me. Now it won't turn on. I noticed a wire had come undone, so I connected it again, speaker wire. Nothing. I was going to check the fuse, but I can't get it out. I'm not happy with the wiring length, so I'm going to have to redo it in a few weekends anyways. Any suggestions on what could be wrong? I still need to mount the speakers, need to drill through steel though. Thoughts? I'm going to make a wood box to set the radio in as well, thinking it should be a pop up design. Thoughts?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
fuse would be the first step if you already double checked the wires


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
It wasn't that cold outside, so I extended the wires. Found the easy way to take my trim off, so I did. Found the issue, fixed it. Just like that....SUCCESS! Now I still need to mount the 6x9's and conceal the stereo somehow.

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