clownfish fry


M.A.S.C Club Member
Craigar;288889 said:
My next batch should hatch tonight. I think I only have 8-10 that are 3/8" long 1 batch is going through metamorphis right now I think about 10 of them will make it
Craigar, what species of clown (and morph?) are you raising?


For Stuffing!
M.A.S.C Club Member
You should throw this all into a MBI report. That is one of the best spawn survival rates I have seen! Well done!


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wow you did quite a batch there. Very nice, good work
Hey everyone just moved out here from maryland have a black ice male and a picasso female that just layed a batch does any on know if mav is still on here and breeding I would like any advice or give the fry to someone to raise so I dont kill them anyways thanks ahead of time


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm here. A few others on here too. It's not too bad to do. Need rotifers right off the bat, phyto cultures as well. And baby brine shrimp down the road about a 3 to 5 days maybe a week after they hatch. Need a small 5 gallon tank to hold them in, plan on doing a water change of 5 gallons when they hatch. I used a small bit of airline to siphon them and and a flashlight to attract them to the airline.
Yea they just layed today on the inside of a small clay rotifers and brine should be here wed and a phyto culture is that something I can get from live aquaria or something I am green to this whole scene and this is the first batch I read this entire article and many others but I have alot alot to learn


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eastcoastsalt;324645 said:
Yea they just layed today on the inside of a small clay rotifers and brine should be here wed and a phyto culture is that something I can get from live aquaria or something I am green to this whole scene and this is the first batch I read this entire article and many others but I have alot alot to learn
Try Algae Barn, they carry phyto and they are local as well as one of our sponsors


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hello east coast, there is alot to cover- almost easier in person.
I will be around tomorrow (i live in highlands ranch) and would be happy to show you my setup. Send me a pm if interested.
Sounds good ill go there in the I read I should have a couple days then have to transplant the pot into another tank with an airstone, heater etc...I guess im gonna try and have a go at this by the end of the week do they need special lighting or added nutrients to the rots and brine


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Run an air line very light bubble to kind of stir the eggs. Leave them in the main tank as long as possible. You want the tank lit 24/7 first few days but black the tank out you just want little ambient light. The rots and brine will eat phyto. Talk to algae barn. You need nanochloropsis (phyto). A few 2 liter bottles, rigid air line. F2 if I remember is the food the phyto eats. A light for the phyto to grow, brine shrimp hatchery. Probably forgetting stuff


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you want it, I'll give it to you if I can find it. I have some f2 I'll sell us for cheap and some bbs eggs never opened.