Question 1: Ok so how do you know when a Coral is dead? These Corals are under T-5
Question 2: I changed the lighting on my 12 gallon cubemaster to a viper metal halide and all my zoas are not out and my kenya is looking odd. Could this change have killed these?
2) i highly doubt the light killed your zoas and kenya ...raise the light and give it time or if they are dead/dying it was probably something else ...maybe the mailman?
I dont think they are saying there dead on #2 they said "closed up" and "looking odd". Thats why i thought to drastic of a change in lighting and they havent adjusted.
They are mostly softies, the Zoas look bad they are closed. I have a couple LPS. Nothing too odd. The old light was just the stock light, nothing special.
I am just asking will the corals get a film around them or start smelling or something? I am trying to figure out what the heck I am doing. I am new to this..............
Ensure Calc, Alk, and Mag are at proper levels. Also make sure your water temp isn't swinging too much with the metal halide on a small tank. Zoa's and softies should be at the bottom.
I'm with the folks who are voting the light shock is the issue. Also a metal halide could add a lot of heat. Plus during a huge change keep in mind things are stressed and the better the water conditions are the better the tank will be.