Craigslist Deal of the Day

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Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I love CraigsList. Got $500 worth of paint ball gear for only $100.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey kids. Boogie is alive, not quite well yet but alive. I figured I'd post this in here as it feels kinda homey. Anyways, long story short, life kinda kicked me in the ballz lately...

I'm going through a divorce, sucking the life and money right out of me. Trying to stay in the house but financially its a little tight...go figure right. I haven't disappeared yet and the tanks are still running (although very very neglected). I need to settle up with Jon still (Jon, I haven't forgotten-if you have a paypal I'll send you the money I owe you for the food and stuff, just send me a pm)

Never thought I would have to do so much paperwork in my life, plus online classes, plus selling my beloved jeep, plus reestablishing a relationship with my kids, plus getting rid of one of the dogs, plus, plus plus...seems as though I run my *** off alot lately and get nothing much done.

Don't feel sorry for me as its truly the best thing for me and the kids and once everything settles back down, I truly believe life will be far greater than what it ever has been.

I flipped back a few pages and it honestly felt good to be missed...little pleasures for now...

Anyways, anyone on here is welcome to send me a pm if they want. I'm still dealing with the paperwork and "negotiations" so time is not yet free enough for me to say I'll be back anytime real soon but just know that Boogie and the kids are ok, hell, better than ok, just need to finish the b.s....


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
glad to see from the infamous BOOGIE lol i hope everything turns out well for you man i know a really good custody lawer if you need she is an animal lol my brother used her and ,well lets just say she didnt use any lube on that a$$ rapeing lol


M.A.S.C Club Member
Glad to hear your doing ok. I can not wait for the day you get everything squared away and grace us with your presence again !!!!!!!!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
good to know your still alive ....we will patiently await your presence sire


M.A.S.C Club Member
Boogie;57646 said:
Hey kids. Boogie is alive, not quite well yet but alive. I figured I'd post this in here as it feels kinda homey. Anyways, long story short, life kinda kicked me in the ballz lately...

I'm going through a divorce, sucking the life and money right out of me. Trying to stay in the house but financially its a little tight...go figure right. I haven't disappeared yet and the tanks are still running (although very very neglected). I need to settle up with Jon still (Jon, I haven't forgotten-if you have a paypal I'll send you the money I owe you for the food and stuff, just send me a pm)

Never thought I would have to do so much paperwork in my life, plus online classes, plus selling my beloved jeep, plus reestablishing a relationship with my kids, plus getting rid of one of the dogs, plus, plus plus...seems as though I run my *** off alot lately and get nothing much done.

Don't feel sorry for me as its truly the best thing for me and the kids and once everything settles back down, I truly believe life will be far greater than what it ever has been.

I flipped back a few pages and it honestly felt good to be missed...little pleasures for now...

Anyways, anyone on here is welcome to send me a pm if they want. I'm still dealing with the paperwork and "negotiations" so time is not yet free enough for me to say I'll be back anytime real soon but just know that Boogie and the kids are ok, hell, better than ok, just need to finish the b.s....

Hey boogmeister!! You know if you need anything just let us know brotha!! It would be cool to see you at a meeting, even if it was just to see a few familiar faces and get away from all the mess you know lol.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Glad to hear from ya boogie man, wish it were under better circumstances for ya though, hang in there buddy!!!;)
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