Craigslist Deal of the Day

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
C'mon guys, What if he came/comes here and sees this. He got lucky and I would bet he put in $200+ in tickets. The prices are actually reasonable. Do I like it, no, but who are we to judge.
spstimie;81256 said:
C'mon guys, What if he came/comes here and sees this. He got lucky and I would bet he put in $200+ in tickets. The prices are actually reasonable. Do I like it, no, but who are we to judge.
Agreed - I didn't post it to create a problem or to have his post on CL flagged. Rather, I thought someone would be able to get some quality new gear at a fair price knowing they have some negotiating room. I will say that this guy and his group did spend a lot of cash in raffle tickets, something that any of us could have done. Good for him!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
But here is my thing, if you didn't want it to begin with, why put a raffle ticket in for it! I guess some people just want to make a buck or two and I have nothing against that but give the guy a chance that does want it! I am glade these are things I didn't put a ticket for.

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I understand free enterprise and all but its people like that(they are just trying to win it to make a quick buck) that make people like me(the guy that would use it on my tank) not even buy tickets, what are my odds on winning... nothing compared to him. If you think about it i just payed for the item he won and now if im interested in the item i have to pay full pop? Personally i would be putting my tickets into things i can use on my own system and if there was nothing in the raffle i could use then SWEET now i can buy more frags.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
spstimie;81256 said:
C'mon guys, What if he came/comes here and sees this. He got lucky and I would bet he put in $200+ in tickets. The prices are actually reasonable. Do I like it, no, but who are we to judge.
You guys are obviously free to do as you choose but I agree with spstimie. The guy paid for his raffle tickets and he's offering the stuff up for sale. I'd offer 50% retail for the items myself but I don't want any of the stuff.

If a rich bastard buys a million lotto tickets and wins millions of dollars, should his prize be revoked just because he doesn't need it? nah, he bought the tickets fair and square. Sometimes I just have to chalk all this up to God's (if you believe in Him) weird sense of humor.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Like everything else in life, the rich get richer and the poor get nothing. This is why I didnt waste my money on the raffle. My couple of dollars cant compete with the guy who puts in $50 to each raffle. My luck sucks and I know better than to waste my money against the big spenders.

Does it bother me what he did, sure it does. He obviously only raffled to make a profit when those items could have went to people who would actually use them. People don't give 2 craps about anyone but themselves thats just human nature. On the other hand if I had the disposable income to just gamble away on raffle items in hopes to make a profit I would probably do the same thing. Those who dont have money envy those who do and those who do only care about making more. Greed will be the downfall of our civilization and capitalism has put it into overdrive.


M.A.S.C Club Member
i look at this guy as being about as good as a used car salesman or a repo guy ....and i choose not to like what he is doing whether it is permissible or not
i have my own book on right and wrong and he is on the wrong side ...PC? probably not but oh well


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think he has the right to sell what he won. It's his property one way or another, it's his right to sell it. Not saying it was the right thing to do, but still.
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