Like everything else in life, the rich get richer and the poor get nothing. This is why I didnt waste my money on the raffle. My couple of dollars cant compete with the guy who puts in $50 to each raffle. My luck sucks and I know better than to waste my money against the big spenders.
Does it bother me what he did, sure it does. He obviously only raffled to make a profit when those items could have went to people who would actually use them. People don't give 2 craps about anyone but themselves thats just human nature. On the other hand if I had the disposable income to just gamble away on raffle items in hopes to make a profit I would probably do the same thing. Those who dont have money envy those who do and those who do only care about making more. Greed will be the downfall of our civilization and capitalism has put it into overdrive.