Hi, i am so overstocked,
lots of mushrooms 8 different colors, several diffrent types $10 extras of the same for $5 more.
zoas zoas zoas zoas, 50 diffrent ones, lots rare and hard to find prices vary, lots of $10 and $20 frags some mini colonys cheap.
hynophora, lotso zenia xenia $10 many stalks , red or pink pom candy canes , super bright neon green, wintergreen, spearmint , another i forgot the name, some for $10 (not bright neon ones there $15 on up)) favia acans so many corals 100's or more,
come over buy stuff make deals.
also have 100 gallon tank
also have 60 gallon acrylic black nice.
extra rock, some rocks covered in zoas.
please dont ask for particulars i have way too many, just come see for yourself, you will be glad you did,
my new frag tank works great, easy to see. 3' x6' the other is 2' x 4'
thank you
I have a small crappy phone please dont ask me to text you lots of information.
thank you