Dbarnes 225 in wall re-build


M.A.S.C Club Member
must be just me. never happened before but i can only see the last of 4 pics in your fish stock list. awesome build/progress by the way


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
daverf;205778 said:
must be just me. never happened before but i can only see the last of 4 pics in your fish stock list. awesome build/progress by the way
I only posted four, thank you very much!! Its been a headache lol

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I looked through that, that's awesome!! You have a legit fish room! I'm hoping to get one of those someday so that I can breed orchid dottybacks, mandarin dragonets, hippocampus ingens (pacific seahorse), yellow watchmen gobies, and banggai cardinals I would most likely have a centralized system with sandpipes and a heavy duty pump and filter like we have for the pool. But unfortunately.... I'm going to have to stick with my 35 gallon ingens/banggai tank and my two 3 gallon dwarf seahorse tanks :(


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm more into the setup then the actual tanks lol so I'm down let's do it... I want sea horses but the guy that wrote the article u attached on the other forum seemed to be yelling right at me LOL sooo.... new tank? May need you expertise

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
No the guy talking about why not to put seahorses in a fuge lol. He was definitely against it so I guess I'm gonna need a new tank. Given your the expert of seahorses I will indeed need your expertise....

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oh haha yeah I could help you out with that. I wouldn't call myself an expert though, just a night owl who had to wait two months for her damn horses to arrive and spent every spare second she had waiting researching them...Anywho, yeah I could help you but really aside from the info I gave you all there is left is a shopping trip. Or I could browse around online and look for something.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Im a fan of equipment shopping!! I think thats why i love my fish room as much as my fish tank lol

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M.A.S.C Club Member
The fish room is the most important part. That's where the magic happens!

Jealous of the 225


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright well I finally got the new lighting bracket built, I went with two 14k 250 watt halides in single units built by aquamedic. I then mounted the AIs between them and plan on the running the AI's in the morning and eveing with whites then when the halides come on they will switch to blue and royal blue only, pretty much serving the same purpose as a stunner strip. I went with the uhsio bulbs sense they tend to have a whiter 14k then others but not near as white as the 10k. The whole point in the switch was I was unhappy with the growth rates under the LEDs only. It seemed I had less success rate with corals under the LEDs only, hence the new halides. The rack is built entirely of aluminum and stainless steel so it should never rust or cause any problems like that. Over all the coloration is great and the coverage is better than I had expected. Next step is getting a bigger pump for my reactors, looks like I will be putting on a iwaki 55 and hopefully that is sufficient to run all three reactors and a refugium, if not in will be getting a third pump that will be isolated to the refugium. And as we all don't care about anything but pics .... here ya go a couple in the process and a couple finished products.

Rack after all the bracing was in
View attachment 10117

New halide fixtures awaiting installation
View attachment 10118

Temporary mounting of the AI's
View attachment 10119

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Is that a glass top, or just screen meshing? If it's glass, what's your reasoning to cover up?