Here is the Frankenstein. Makes great margaritas but can't bio pellet react worth sh-t.
Actually it's working OK for version 1. At the moment I have it on a Maxi Jet 1200, which is way overpowered. It looks more like brick breaker than a gentle tumble now, but it works. I had planned to use my trusty old Maxi Jet 600, but it crapped out right as I got the reactor going. I could see it was a perfect flow rate, though. Oh and the egg crate platform at the base, I meticulously cut to perfect size then jack-ssly stepped on it and broke some off. D'oh.
I'll change it so the flow is restricted, put a check valve and clamps on, and maybe replace the mesh screen (yes that is an old fish net). Then build my sulfur reactor!
Total cost:
Pitcher: $8
Maxi Jet 600: $15
Egg crate, flex vinyl tubing, zip ties, old fish net - had it all laying around.