H2O_intolerant;230200 said:
Just read up on the link, I have some 4" acrylic tube (bought it on sale, $21/ft. What a deal!) I didn't know you could use the MJ external like that, mind always get crazy hot. I just might try and make one as well.
I'm using the MJ internal (is that what you meant?). In the close up of the sulfur pitcher, I've pulled the chamber out of the pitcher, so the chamber will actually be dropped inside the pitcher when in use. Since the MJ 400 is only 5 watts, I'm hoping heat isn't an issue (MJ 1200 is 20w), but I'll keep an eye on the temp.
The only question I have is whether I need to actually have ARM media in the sulfur reactor as well as the second vessel. I don't know whether there is a problem in recirculating without aragonite?