Flame angel in reef


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I do have a large sump I thought I might house him in . Just a bit of live rock in it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
They can turn in a minute after years of being good. There is no way of getting around this - it is a risk that you have to weigh.

If you do get one, look for one from Hawaii - typically much more healthy and colorful.


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jda123;319113 said:
They can turn in a minute after years of being good. There is no way of getting around this - it is a risk that you have to weigh.

If you do get one, look for one from Hawaii - typically much more healthy and colorful.
Come on man. That's it? I was counting on some fantastic words of wisdom. Lol what would Doug do?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Doug would buy Genicanthus angels... and I do. I have had nearly every species of dwarf angel under a few hundred dollars. Early in my time in the hobby, I thought that they were good citizens only to see improvement to damage that I never noticed until they left the tank. I think that your chances of getting a good one is like 10% that it touches nothing and 50/50 that you can live with the damage that they do. If you think that you can catch it, then take the risk.

I trust Holocanthus more than Centropyge and Paracentropyge.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Perfectly said Doug, my experience as well. I gave up on angels altogether because I didn't want to take any risk of them picking at corals. It's all about what's more important, cool fish with a risk or no fish and no chance of picking.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I feed frozen mysis or brine shrimp once a day. Then I feed a flake/pellet mixture twice a day with my autofeeder (I have auto feeders on all my tanks and have trained my fish to eat from the surface).

It's amazing that the flame knows about what time the autofeeder will go off and sits in the area begging around feeding time.

I probably wouldn't notice if he was picking at my coral because as you know I have a lot of it and it grows like a weed in my tank.

Dr.HarlemTutu;319092 said:
What and how often are you feeding? Nipping at zoa isn't all that bug of a deal to me. The SPS would suck.
I just added a flame angel a week ago, the first night it demolished my Smurf's blood...grrr...only 11 polyps left. He also nipped at a montipora a couple times. He shys away from eating with the rest of the fish. I try to turkey baste mysis shrimp soaked in garlic/vitamines right in front of him...sometimes he takes it a little bite, sometimes he ignores it. I also tried spirulina flakes which he totally ignores. Added some nori on a clip....freaked him out...stayed in hiding half a day, never touched it. Soooo....I'm a bit puzzled, and hope he will not take to the corals again. Any ideas on how to "force feed" this guy??? I love the fish because he is otherwise so active, but how am I going to keep him fat&happy if he does not eat???


M.A.S.C Club Member
OceanView;319173 said:
I just added a flame angel a week ago, the first night it demolished my Smurf's blood...grrr...only 11 polyps left. He also nipped at a montipora a couple times. He shys away from eating with the rest of the fish. I try to turkey baste mysis shrimp soaked in garlic/vitamines right in front of him...sometimes he takes it a little bite, sometimes he ignores it. I also tried spirulina flakes which he totally ignores. Added some nori on a clip....freaked him out...stayed in hiding half a day, never touched it. Soooo....I'm a bit puzzled, and hope he will not take to the corals again. Any ideas on how to "force feed" this guy??? I love the fish because he is otherwise so active, but how am I going to keep him fat&happy if he does not eat???
Did you QT it first or just toos it right in your tank?


M.A.S.C Club Member
OceanView;319176 said:
qt for 2 weeks, he was difficult then too.
I would toss it back in QT for another 8 weeks. keep a sheet of nori in there for it to nibble on and feed twice a day away from any competition from other fish. After that period, try introducing it back into the tank and watch him closely. If he still goes after corals when reintroduced, it is a lost cause and I would put him back in QT and post him up here as a FOWLR fish for sale.
I actually tried to get him back out....he is a tough one to catch...might need to take me tank apart or set a trap.
I need to find his "magic food"....my project this weekend is to make a good mush - let's see what happens!


M.A.S.C Club Member
SkyDiv3r17;319185 said:
+10000000000 on a fish trap. Has made my life sooooooo much easier.
+1 million billion. That is your only option besides tearing your entire tank apart with a flame IME. I saw a post today that someone was selling one for cheap. Fluid designers also rents them for $5 a day.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just letting you know I have two flames in a 72gal, full of sps, never a problem - going on 6 yrs with the two fish.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I currently have a 110 gallon mixed reef with both a flame and coral beauty, no issues. I think they are like any other creature sometimes you may get one with a bad attitude, or maybe you lucky and get one that just wants to get along.