I just added a flame angel a week ago, the first night it demolished my Smurf's blood...grrr...only 11 polyps left. He also nipped at a montipora a couple times. He shys away from eating with the rest of the fish. I try to turkey baste mysis shrimp soaked in garlic/vitamines right in front of him...sometimes he takes it a little bite, sometimes he ignores it. I also tried spirulina flakes which he totally ignores. Added some nori on a clip....freaked him out...stayed in hiding half a day, never touched it. Soooo....I'm a bit puzzled, and hope he will not take to the corals again. Any ideas on how to "force feed" this guy??? I love the fish because he is otherwise so active, but how am I going to keep him fat&happy if he does not eat???