Fuge & electrical rework project


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hello everyone!
Before I left, I asked for some help with moving my fuge out from the cabinet under my tank so I can get into it to do maintenance. Also to redo the electrical mess of cables. So far, Reefcheif, xjmav, majicmike, and a couple of others expressed a willingness to help out in some way. I'm willing to trade or pay for that help, because this is no small project. There's plumbing that'll need doing, plus moving big powerstrips around, sorting out cables and equipment, and programming the reefkeeper. I'm posting some pics to give you an idea of what it looks like now.
It may or may not involve building a new fuge, then breaking apart the old one to remove it from the cabinet, based on whether or not we can get the old one out of the cabinet safely.
Ideally, I'd like to end up with a reasonably quiet fuge that is easy to maintain and possibly even kinda nice looking. That last part isn't a requirement AT ALL, because I have a large room divider I can use to hide it if it isn't.
Now that I'm back, I'm ready to get going on this project. If anyone else likes to dink around with fuges and plumbing, etc, please chime in. ReefCheif had suggested a 'group discussion and decision' about the best way to really tweak out this build, and I love that idea because I know there are a lot of different ways to do this stuff.

Purely as a side note: I'm considering switching from macroalgae to mangroves for phosphate reduction. I've had great luck growing mangroves in the past, but I'm not totally sure if they will take care of the phosphates as well as macro does. I'd like some input on that if anyone's got more knowledge than me about phosphates.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow, that's a lot of wires. On the fuge, are you wanting to put the new one right behind the tank? Maybe build a stand that makes it level with the current floor, or are you wanting to just put it on the lower level?

I would do both macro's and mangroves. No reason you can't have both.

I would help out, but I've got several things left to do on my tank that have to get done soon. If I get done and you still need help I'm sure we can work something out.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
cdrewferd;211641 said:
Wow, that's a lot of wires. On the fuge, are you wanting to put the new one right behind the tank? Maybe build a stand that makes it level with the current floor, or are you wanting to just put it on the lower level?

I would do both macro's and mangroves. No reason you can't have both.

I would help out, but I've got several things left to do on my tank that have to get done soon. If I get done and you still need help I'm sure we can work something out.
Yeah- talk about a cluster... of wires. I am not even sure that they all go to stuff I even need. That canister thing in front seems completely unnecessary, for example.
I've got a spare 55gal tank and stand that could work for the fuge, or I'd be fine just putting it on the floor. I'd like to get one of those pond liner things to protect the laminate floor, however. And the floor has a helluva tilt to it, so I'd need to get foam pieces or something to make it level.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Every renowned reef author I have read has stated that Mangroves while cool and capable of removing phosphates are also very in-efficient at doing so due to their slow rate of consumption and growth. IMHO macro algae and or GFO are far easier to implement, maintain, and are just more efficient at nutrient export.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Kalgra;211652 said:
Every renowned reef author I have read has stated that Mangroves while cool and capable of removing phosphates are also very in-efficient at doing so due to their slow rate of consumption and growth. IMHO macro algae and or GFO are far easier to implement, maintain, and are just more efficient at nutrient export.
Thanks for the heads up. I think I might do both those and macro algae, just for fun. I know my macro grows like weeds. The mangroves took a while to establish, but they did take off eventually, and looked cool growing out of the tank.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just a quick update on this project.
I've decided t0 put the fuge and equipment in the basement, in what used to be jacknut's mancave. It'll be hard-plumbed in, and I don't even have to drill through the floor to do it because of how this house is built (the different levels are offset from each other, so there's a short span of shared wall between the fireplace room and what will be the fish room). We can drill through the wall instead, so that it's an easy drywall repair if I ever have a change of heart. REALLY looking forward to getting this set up in a smart (non-psycho/moron) way that will work 10x better. Ordered a bada$$ Reeflo pump, too, so that if I upgrade to a bigger tank later, I won't have to buy another pump.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Fuge & electrical rework project

If you need plumbing drilled, I'm pretty good at that... not so much the drywall repair. If you want to do it to code, you'll need supports every 6' for 1" pipe. It'll be different for different size piping. You might be able to get away with PEX, but I don't have any of the tools for that.

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk HD


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thought I'd update this thread with pics of the new setup.
It was decided that the new sump would be a 150gal horse trough in the basement, instead of just putting in on the floor of the fireplace room. To make sure the water gets from the basement to the tank, and to allow for future upgrades, I ordered a ReeFlo Hammerhead pump.
The old fuge was removed from the stand, and all of the rock from that and another fuge were loaded into the trough, along with an ASM G4 skimmer. The old RO holding tank was eliminated, and a direct line from the rodi unit was installed. It splits off to fill a salt mixing barrel that will mean water changes take less energy than it takes me to pour a glass of mead, and less time than it takes to drink it. It makes me want to do a water change just because it's so incredibly cool.
The electrical mess was completely cleaned up and redone, with everything zip tied as neatly as can be. The outlets below the tank were replaced with GFCI units, just in case the tank ever floods. The reefkeeper was reprogrammed, also, and everything was labelled.
I am going to put a board on the back of the cabinet, and replace the spindles on the railing, but right now I just love looking at it. The old mess is just a distant memory. I never dreamed that I would have something this fantastic. My tank has never looked happier, and I can't thank Mike (Majicmike) or Austin (xjmav) enough for all of the time, thought, and effort they put into this. It's simply amazing. I owe you guys big time!



According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
It doesn't look anything at all like it used to. Mike and Austin kick butt. They got that done in 2 days.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Fuge & electrical rework project

Looks great. Let me know how the flow of your hammerhead is from the basement. I'm not getting enough out of mine and don't know why.

Sent from Earth


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
deboy69;217080 said:
Looks great. Let me know how the flow of your hammerhead is from the basement. I'm not getting enough out of mine and don't know why.

Sent from Earth
We had to tune it back quite a bit to keep from flooding my DT. This thing pushes a lot of water.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
joeMASC;217096 said:
That setup looks great Cindy. I really like the way you have done it. Now the ferrets can see it in all it's glory!
Yup! With all the electrical cleaned up and stuff, I might let them run around the house more now.

michael.lemke;217100 said:
Nice work!
I can't take any credit. Mostly cuz they wouldn't let me touch anything. Not that I blame them. I'd have probably accidentally blown the house up if I had played with water or electrical. LOL