group buy.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
This site was recommended to me by @Maddlesrain and I would like to order a few things from them, there have been a few people that have shown interest in some stuff from this site as well. So I thought I'd see if anyone would like to join in on the order, and save a few on shipping. They take orders Mon-Wed so if I can get all orders and payments by next Sunday I'll place the order next Sunday evening. I can hold off if anybody wants to try and wait for something to be back in stock as well. They ship USPS priority so it would all be here by that Wed or Thurs. Let me know if you are interested and what you would be interested in.
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Cleaner Shrimp
I’ll be interested in a tan candelabra gorgonian (Eunicea) and an order of caulerpa prolifera. The macro algae comes in a pretty large quantity so if anyone was looking at that one and wants to split the bag/ price for that I’d be happy to do so!:)

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
might be interested in a finger spong and perhaps some mangrove pods

@MuralReef how hard is it to grow mangroves out of the "pod" stage?
I've read some things on this, and from what I see you just poke them through a piece of foam so that they float upright and wait for the roots to start sprouting and your good. I don't know if there are any tricks to it other than that. Well other than lighting that is.


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might be interested in a finger spong and perhaps some mangrove pods

@MuralReef how hard is it to grow mangroves out of the "pod" stage?
Can’t say from experience. I’ve always started with roots and a couple of leaves. Shouldn’t be hard though so long as the green parts stay above water.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Anyone else interested in getting in on the order? It looks like due to the holiday next week, that waiting one more week to place the order might be best.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sounds good. I'm torn because I want to place the order but I also want to see if they get anything else back in stock. But I don't want to miss out on what's in stock right now. They have shipping restrictions for next week, so I may just wait one more week to avoid any possible shipping delays with the holiday, and keep my fingers crossed that nothing goes out of stock and they get new stuff in.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sounds good. I'm torn because I want to place the order but I also want to see if they get anything else back in stock. But I don't want to miss out on what's in stock right now. They have shipping restrictions for next week, so I may just wait one more week to avoid any possible shipping delays with the holiday, and keep my fingers crossed that nothing goes out of stock and they get new stuff in.
Yeah, we could wait it out another week and see what happens.


Cleaner Shrimp
I want purple frilly. I wish they had rock anemone in stock.
I emailed about rock flowers and was told they’re still trying to get dedicated holding tanks going so it could be awhile (this was in May). I think they may have also just moved shops? Don’t quote me on that though. Haha

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I emailed about rock flowers and was told they’re still trying to get dedicated holding tanks going so it could be awhile (this was in May). I think they may have also just moved shops? Don’t quote me on that though. Haha

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll look for one locally then.


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I have never heard any one have a complaint against them. They always send quality stuff. Although likely best to email them and tell them what you want and ask them to let you know when they have it in. ime they are pretty responsive to that and may even tell you they do have it, but just hadnt updated the site


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have never heard any one have a complaint against them. They always send quality stuff. Although likely best to email them and tell them what you want and ask them to let you know when they have it in. ime they are pretty responsive to that and may even tell you they do have it, but just hadnt updated the site
I emailed them yesterday and asked if the site was up to date. I'm hoping they have a few of the things it shows out of stock on.