I don't know about things nuking tanks, but the sea apple looks pretty cool.
Just my opinion, but... It's true that the internet has a lot of conflicting stories, and just because thing A happens in tank A doesn't mean that thing A will happen in tank B. Since you're dealing with live animals and different environmental factors in each case you can only get a general idea of what may or may not happen. If half the stories are horror stories and half are success stories, I would just attempt to replicate the success stories and hope for the best. After all, I'm sure in the beginning of the fish keeping hobby that almost ALL stories were horror stories, and look how far we've come. Fish that were once considered to be impossible to keep alive in captivity now survive and breed there. Wouldn't have happened without experimentation and pushing the boundaries of the hobby (not to mention more than a few ruined tanks).
Just go for it and see what happens. Clearly you're aware of the risks in keeping such an animal, and yeah it would suck if it didn't work out but you never really know until you try. I for one would like to hear updates on the sea apple and hear how it goes.