I need help!!!!! Someone has to know!!!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok heres the problem, i have a encrusting type of pulsing xiena that i never wanted! It is growing like a damn weed, my tank is full of corals LPS, SPS, and lots of zoas. I need to kill the Xiena, i cannot remove the rock without a total tear down that would deffinetly result in death to other corals or at least shock. Im looking for any ideas??? the only idea i have heard that sounds reasonable is to use a turkey baseter and squirt pickeling lime directly into it, hopeing this would kill it. Anyone think that would work? obviously i do not want to do anything that would result in a tank crash.


M.A.S.C Club Member
i would not use a tukey baster as the pickling lime in that amount would surely cause a ph swing .....if you do use it use a syringe like you would use for apsatisa and use it in small amounts ...i cant think of anything else to do though


M.A.S.C Club Member
cover em with kalk paste then finish them off with a laser. Pretty sure there is a new one out (around 200.00) that kills aiptasia and anyy unwanted corals. Saw a review on RC about it.
Mix the lime as thick as you can and still get it in a syringe then gently and slowly drip it onto the spot. It should pile up in a mound that can stay there for a little while and burn the hell out of anything. Worked well for my aptasia.


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Fluke tabs even a tiny ammount will kill all Xenia andleave everything else alone.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The laser looks like a good way to constantly control them with certainty that nothing else will be effectted, i cant seem to find anywhere that anyone has tried it on anything other than aptaisha?? im not a fan of spending about 250.00 on one but if it works it is worth it. The paste seems to be effective but im still affraid what it will do to my calcium levels and the PH?? Does anyone have any more info on the Fluke tablets??? I poked around a little and could not find a whole lot of info.... IE; Will it kill other coral??? I dont really like Xenia at all so if it kills the other few species i have im not gonna cry but if it kills my other coral i might flip s***!!!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
There seems to be an abondance of information on the RC forums about Fluke tabs, general consus is it kills all types of xenia's, acro crabs, leathers, and polyps. However i alsop read a forum where an individual uses Joe's Juice to kill xenia and GSP's. Has anyone ever used this method before? I like the Fluke tabs but maybe this would work a little better.


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Only experience I had with fluke tabs was in my sps system and confitm xenia carnage with just the traces left on acros after dips. Other than that I cant help much more sorry


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
MattL;136640 said:
I use joes juice to get rid of any unwanted corals.
how do you use it?

Do you inject it directly or does the tank? will it kill other corals? If so how much can iuse directly before it nukes the rest of the tank?


M.A.S.C Club Member
So what I do is I inject (when I can) into the coral (I.e. mushrooms and manjos in my tank). To inject then internally ask your local pharmisist for his largest gauge needle, for the rest of it the use the syringe supplied. Other corals thati trim back are ugly zoas that just popped out of rock I just cover heavely over the polyp head. Apply it locally around the mouth, about 10mm above so it doesn't get away from you. I also cut off all of the current for an hour or so to keep it in place. One thing use eye protection! It has a bonding agent that makes it stick, and it is a base which really really hurts eyes. Plus there is no MSDS on the product (I know from experience stour clinic). I dose it in small doses nightly, with increased water changes to help with the dieoff and introduced product to the water.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
MattL;136647 said:
So what I do is I inject (when I can) into the coral (I.e. mushrooms and manjos in my tank). To inject then internally ask your local pharmisist for his largest gauge needle, for the rest of it the use the syringe supplied. Other corals thati trim back are ugly zoas that just popped out of rock I just cover heavely over the polyp head. Apply it locally around the mouth, about 10mm above so it doesn't get away from you. I also cut off all of the current for an hour or so to keep it in place. One thing use eye protection! It has a bonding agent that makes it stick, and it is a base which really really hurts eyes. Plus there is no MSDS on the product (I know from experience stour clinic). I dose it in small doses nightly, with increased water changes to help with the dieoff and introduced product to the water.
OK, so how much do you dose per night before it becomes lethal to indirect corals? How often are doing water changes, every time you dose or weekly??



M.A.S.C Club Member
So what I believe I that it works systemically, but if you can get it into the mouth or internal chamber it works best. As long as you keep the contact off other corals you are fine. What size is your tank, and how much is over grown?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tank is 150+80(R)+60(S) It is an area probaly about a square foot, its encrusted on porus rock. So as long as there is no direct conact you wont have any deaths, thats good news. I cant run carbon because i have live media that would suffer if the carbon is run in tandam. However the media should act in a similar matter to help break down the added calcium in the water.


M.A.S.C Club Member
What I would do is cut it a 1/4th at a time over a week with bi weekley water changes. It doesn't always kill it off right away, but eventuall it will. My dad had a 90 gallon over taken with mushrooms and took care of it after a while. Airstrip you will need to dose heavly, but with patience you will cut it back less and less. It is a little costly but.see if a sponcer can get you a deal or get it off line.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would start with a larger dose, 1/4th total population a day. Then after 3 day water change. Keep on it and you can judge the dieoff. More dieoff more water changes. Total eradication will take a long time just FYI.