dv3;114262 said:
ultimatly ....but what i want is ultimate count of how many times he says ultimately
Now THAT'S funny LOL
I agree with you. When I got started I was at LFS picking up some food for my FW tanks. I was looking at his SW set-up and mentioned, "Man I'd love to go salt but they are so expensive and require all this special equipment and stuff to keep long term."
He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "They're easier than your fresh water. I use TAP water, feed flake food, nothing but these "Whisper" hanging filters. It couldn't be any easier."
Within 1 week I had a 10g tank, whisper 20, heater, sand, 1 live rock (2lbs), 1 purple lobster, i true perc, 3 blue tail damsels, flame scallop, and a couple of bright yellow nubibranch. Yep those are NOT typos either! I've learned a little since that day (January 20th a few years back). Believe it or not I still have that very same True Perc and only lost the purple reef lobster after my last move (due to marital divisions).
I'm just saying that even without the show making it "look" to easy it's ultimately up to the end user to get educated and learn the right way to do things.