Re: January meeting 2013
A BIG shout out and thank you to Scott and his wife, for hosting the meeting today, allowing 30 reefer heads to drool and also for showing us all how to silicone and build a glass tank!!!!! I myself was blown away by your gigantic and awesome tanks!!!!
Thank you Fred aka Smiley for the Bayer Coral Dip Demo. I will certainly be using this for my dips in the future.
I would also like to thank the following for their generous donations to MASC today as well.
Gabe aka Cherub for donating 2-$25 vendor gift cards that he won from last year's DBTC contest.
Mike aka MajicMike for his donation as well for an additional $25 vendor gift card to MASC.
Colin aka ColinP and MindBlowing Corals for his cash donation.
We had a great turn out and was happy to see all of you and meet a few new faces as well. Be on the watch out for Feb meeting announcement and future club meetings.