Legislation that could effect us all

I love this thread. If more politicians listened to reefers the world would be a better place.

Honest people obey laws, criminals break them. Changing laws doesnt stop crime it just adds more complexity to handling each situation. But I am looking forward to sueing every reality tv show for slandering reality... Jersey shore should be against the law.

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Reef Shark
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chrislorentz;135564 said:
I know it is not everybody, but you know if you are one of them. You didn't care when the government decided it could spy on you without a warrant. You didn't care when they started telling you what you could eat. You didn't care when your kids' education was turned into indoctrination. You didn't care when they were more worried about military veterans than Islamic terrorists. You didn't care when they spent so much money that our ...entire economic system may collapse. You didn't care when they gave billions of your money to unions and corporations that were their political contributors. You didn't care when inert cosmetic features on guns were felonies. You didn't care when they made it a ****ing crime to not have government approved health insurance. All of these things were done in your name. On your behalf. To help you, protect you, take care of you. Each time you gave them more power and gave away more of your freedom. Each time you believed them when they said they were protecting you, or helping the less fortunate, or sticking it to "the rich" who "aren't paying their fair share". Each time you applauded their efforts. Mocked those that were concerned. Called them uncaring or racist or alarmist or stupid. Each time you asked for more. You begged them to take care of you, protect you, right wrongs, enforce equality. But now that your Internet porn and bit torrents are threatened, NOW you care? It's too late for all that, kids. Turning off Wikipedia for a couple days isn't going to win back the freedoms we've ****ed away. It isn't going to undo decades of expanding government power. They've already decided there's nothing they can't do, no law they can't pass. We watched it happen. We let it happen. We have the country we deserve. So go ahead, post a rant about SOPA on your blog. Link to Ron Paul's web page. Pretend you're doing something. It'll make you feel better. Then you will go back to business as usual and so will they. Democracy in action. Isn't it beautiful?
Damn, you took all my thoughts and wrote them down! ;)

Benjamin Franklin was a prophet when he responded to a woman asking what kind of government they created, "A republic, madam, if you can keep it." I think we're at the verge of losing it.


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Wow is all I have to say. I have followed SOPA and PIPA since before it became big media. We delt with this when I worked at Time Warner Cable, since it will hold that company responsible if you are caught downloading pirated movies.

In short, these laws are meant to hold someone accountable for copy write material. The problem is, the big producers have petitions congress and lobyed for this to be able to recoup some of their losses from copy write infringement. This in itself shows how much power money has in our government, but thats a side topic.

The problem is, instead of holding the people responsible who are actually downloading/uploading the copy write material, they want to try to hold the next person in line accountable. Mainly the service providers (ISP's, Youtube, etc.). The problem is, these company's go above and beyond to remove any copywritten material. When you have over a million new video's added daily, its impossible to police without help.

So, as a network engineer for a service provider, let me explain how we planned to deal with this. how many remember last year, Comcast was sued for slowing down P2P traffic? the FCC wanted that stopped, comcast did. A federal court overturned it saying the FCC had no right to tell comcast how to run their network. So what happens if this passes... We planned to go back to this model. Except instead of slowing it down, it would be stopped completely. Newsgroups, gone. And with the federal governments backing, the ISP's have the power to limit it like this currently.

What is the solution then? I can tell you SOPA/PIPA is not it. Look at some other things that could happen because of it. I let you borrow my car, you rob a bank with it. I am responsible for that because i loaned you the transportation not knowing what you planned to do with it? Piracy is a huge problem, and it needs to be addressed. How to address it? I have no idea, but I know this is not the right way.


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djkms;135513 said:
You guys do realize they are passing laws that directly take away our constitutional rights. Just this year they passed the NDAA, national security my ***. We are on a way to a police state folks. NDAA declares the USA a "battleground" and states that a US citizen can be detained and held without trial.
But thats ok! Obama promised me, we would never actually do that. this is just an option on the table........


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The bill is luckily dead because it was poorly written overreaching law that made little sense. However, a bill is needed, people like Brent and many others do create content for a living! Hopefully some politician will have the foresight to have someone who understands the industry help with a bill next time.


Reef Shark
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djkms;135513 said:
I am so fn sick of our government. They are little by little controlling everything and taking away our liberties and rights every day as we the sheeple sit back and watch it happen. On my way to work I was listening to the radio and some asshat politician is trying to ban pajamas in public! Really!?!?!

You guys do realize they are passing laws that directly take away our constitutional rights. Just this year they passed the NDAA, national security my ***. We are on a way to a police state folks. NDAA declares the USA a "battleground" and states that a US citizen can be detained and held without trial.

Oooohhh man don't even get me started....

Back to the topic at hand, when are they going to learn. You cant stop piracy! Put all the stupid bills into law that you want. The pirates are not bound by law so there will always be a way around them. I understand you worked hard for your "intellectual property" but for every 1 pirate there is I would guess there are 20 people willing to pay for the "property". Piracy has not put any artist in the poor house. Its not lost money because its money the person would have never given you anyways. Now if the pirate steals your property and sells it, thats a different story, but the kid who steals music or movies would not pay for it otherwise.

I have a feeling this thread is going to get locked lol.
40,000 new laws hit the books 01/01/2012. There are 78,000 pages of laws tell me how free we really are.


Reef Shark
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dirtefish;135529 said:
Laws like this do not stop the crimes from being committed they only detour honest people from temptation and provide legal means for the victims to seek restitution and punishment from the perp.
The restitution and punishment only occur in a low percentage of the crimes committed.
Most people dont even know just how often they become victims, and even after awareness its 50/50 for a normal person to seek or be provided restitution.
The effort and expense to maintain these laws far excedes the damages the crimes actually incur.
We spend billions upon billions of dollars to detour drugs being brought into our country, yet they are more readily available than ever they just cost more.
In a copyright arguement the owner has always had the means to seek restitution on infringement. That is why we have copyrights, patents, and both corporate and private party possesion laws.
The new laws proposed dont change the rights for the individual entity to protect their property, but allow others a gateway to benefit or seek legal action and restitution for property and situations that they have no business being involved.
This set of laws is much like the slew of other constitutional infringements that gave been passed in the last 20 years. We strive so hard to protect freedoms we would imprison the whole world to give them *freedom*
People who intend to shoot someone in the face dobt care if the gun is legal, people who pirate a movie or song with intent to distribute it on the name of "information freedom" dont care about the laws in place or about the copyright owner.

This entire situation, including my post is a waste of time effort and money. If we spent half the time and money wasted on garbage like this on better programs and tactics of improving our economy and quality of life in this country people wouldnt be put in a situation of temptation to steal in any way.
Having been outsourced of my previous career and 60k a year salary several years ago due to **** poor trade and monopoly regulations I would have been easily swayed to steal the things I need or want if I hadnt had the concept of working for what I want pounded into my head from birth.
Im not jaded I moved on, but it woukd have been a lot easier if our gov hadnt allowed companies the loopholes and bail outs to do it.
Slightly off subject at this point, but long story short we have better things to devote time and effort on than **** like these laws.

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"A lock only keeps a honest man honest"