Looking for work

I have been working with my brother for the last 2 years doing construction/handyman stuff he is getting divorced and is going the retail/ warehouse direction and shutting down his business.
I am searching the colorado springs area where I live but think a commute is in my future. I have a back injury which i am finding makes me unhirable to just about everyone I have experience in delivery driving 24' trucks warehouse experience warehouse mgmt experience (american furniture compark location) I have done fire and flood restoration, commercial and residential Irrigation service and Installation. I also was in managemen of a retail sports store for a number of years as well. My construction experience, I have installed windows and doors, minor remodel framing drywall tape texture paint tile cabinets and light plumbing and electrical. I am also good at fixing cars and trucks. If anyone knows a palce that may hire a person with an injury and with my expeirence plese Pm me the info Thanks for reading, And i hope everyone and thier aquatic creatures a wonderfull day!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Good luck. I wish I knew of something. I'll keep my ears open.