yOdaddy;164844 said:
I have a green manderin for about a week now in my 16 gallon with plenty of live rocks. I made sure the tank was covered in pods before I added him. I also tried giving him frozen food but he did not budge. He looks fat right now and there's still so many pods everywhere. My assumption is that since there are no other competitors for pods in my tank it could be possible for it to sustain him with enough pods as well as giving enough time to let the pods reproduce and sustaining a healthy population for the manderin. Of course I could be wrong. I read a lot on people even with Hugh tanks losin manderins. Any one has any experiences with a small tank and a manderin? About 75% of my tank is filled with live rocks.
I had a blue in a 20 that was filled w/pods, about 35lbs of LR. I thought there was no way he could go through them. They were on the glass, all over the frag rack, fighting each other on the rocks. He decimated the pod population in just over a week, so I think sooner than later it will run out in your 16 unless you have a 75g sump
. I made a madarin diner out of a small glass jar and was successful getting him over to frozen. Initially he wanted nothing to do w/frozen brine or pellets. I got Nutra ova and he immediately took a liking... and I use that term in relveance to a mandarins world as they do nothing fast. It took him about 3-4 hrs in real time, then he found the jar and would go in and eat a little, then leave, then come back. Once he was going in pretty regularly I started adding little bits of chopped misis and small New Spectrum Pellets. He started eating that as well, although not as eagerly as the eggs. Hermit crabs will also ge into the jar unless you make some barrier at the bottom of the jar that they can't climb over. I believe you can youtube mandarin diner and you will see what I am talking about.
Unfortunately, I went through all that and he went carpet surfing when I went out of town for the weekend. What is the deal with that... how do they know you are gone??? Why do they always do that crap when you leave??
Good luck!