I'm stoked to be able to participate! And my wife is happy because I didn't run out and purchase a tank.

Very thankful and happy to win the tank today. We will be setting it up in our baby girl's room.
Glad you made in, just in the nick of time!
As of this point new entries for this competition are now closed, and the competition has officially begun. Every contestant must get their build thread up and started by the end of next week to stay qualified, so make sure you get them in if you havent already. Also, don't forget that you MUST update the build thread at least once every two weeks for the entire year of the competition, so don't forget and then get disqualified.
@MuralReef will be forming and heading the judges panel. There will be five judges, some of the BOD and a club member or two. If you are interested in being a judge please PM Mike and let him know. Be advised, that as a judge you will be required to help decide on the criteria that the panel will judge each tank on, and you will need to be available to go to each contestants house to see the competition tank in person at least once during the competition.