MASC member tank build-off competition


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm stoked to be able to participate! And my wife is happy because I didn't run out and purchase a tank. :eek:Very thankful and happy to win the tank today. We will be setting it up in our baby girl's room.


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I'm stoked to be able to participate! And my wife is happy because I didn't run out and purchase a tank. :eek:Very thankful and happy to win the tank today. We will be setting it up in our baby girl's room.
Glad you made in, just in the nick of time!

As of this point new entries for this competition are now closed, and the competition has officially begun. Every contestant must get their build thread up and started by the end of next week to stay qualified, so make sure you get them in if you havent already. Also, don't forget that you MUST update the build thread at least once every two weeks for the entire year of the competition, so don't forget and then get disqualified.

@MuralReef will be forming and heading the judges panel. There will be five judges, some of the BOD and a club member or two. If you are interested in being a judge please PM Mike and let him know. Be advised, that as a judge you will be required to help decide on the criteria that the panel will judge each tank on, and you will need to be available to go to each contestants house to see the competition tank in person at least once during the competition.


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MASC Vice-President
Thanks to everyone who participated! We all realize what a commitment starting a new tank is and how hard it can be with the limited budget allotted.

After careful deliberation we have decided on a winner!

This tank showed knowledge of reef tanks. They planned carefully and executed. The tank went through “the uglies” and came out the other end with great growth and color.

Congratulations to Doug aka jda123 for winning this years tank build off!

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Congrats @jda123!

I think both of the final tanks (Doug's and Angel's @SynDen) showed that not only is it possible to start a tank on a budget, but if you use that budget wisely you can have a thriving system after a year. I think the competition as a whole was really interesting and I think we saw not only success but struggles as well. Thank you to everyone who participated!


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Awesome. Congrats to @jda123 on 1st place. Your tank really was pretty nice, and a fine example of a successful reef, on a budget. Great work.

I will try and figure out a day to come up and bring you your prizes, the XR and the cash. Ill PM you and we can figure out the details.

And I humbly except 2nd place :) Thanks all! Was a fun experience!

And big Thank you to all the helped and participated. Looking forward to the next build-off!


M.A.S.C Club Member
It was an honor just to be nominated.

I will keep on updating the tank thread as long as I have it.

If anybody would like this tank for a school, hospital or some other charitable use, I will donate it for free. Might even be able to get one of the local companies to donate the time moving it. This is an easy tank to maintain and keep.


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
It was an honor just to be nominated.

I will keep on updating the tank thread as long as I have it.

If anybody would like this tank for a school, hospital or some other charitable use, I will donate it for free. Might even be able to get one of the local companies to donate the time moving it. This is an easy tank to maintain and keep.
Congrats on the win Doug. I did talk to Rob about your tank and I think he had a school in mind, but I am not sure the status of that with Covid. I will reach out to him again.

Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado