My New 22g CadLights Reef Build


M.A.S.C Club Member
Some Equipment shots. Using Kalk for my topoff now that my bioload is consuming more than a water change can handle. Just plucked a bunch of cheato from the fuge so their looks like very little in the pics below. Now running a 12watt T5 unit on my fuge. We'll see how that turns out....thank you Reefstock :) See post below for my lighting updates.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Tank is looking crazy good.


M.A.S.C Club Member
munch;151528 said:
Looks good, are you controlling your lighting with your ReefKeeper?

Thanks man! Yep, I use my RKL for all lights but I cannot control spectrum or anything special...these CAD LED's arent that special. The RKL is basically just turning them on/off. I do however run a RKM-MLC Moonlight module which simulates a day 30 day moon cycle. I use 1X Blue Pod with 2 tiny LED's from DA.

Early on I added 2 12" 453n Stunner Strips for Dawn/Dusk and just added the 24" Magenta/Royal Blue Stunner I won at Reefstock. So I have ALOT of supplemental light on this thing and the coloration/spectrum is getting better. I'd like some green and maybe 2 red diodes but I'll just wait till I upgrade to a bigger unit :)
Soon I'll move on from this unit and go to an AI Sol Blue or if I'm lucky something like a Radion. I want to be able to control the light with my RKL and my Mac.
I'm pretty happy with my lighting for now and all my stuff is thriving!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have the same leds, so I'm more curious about how long you're running each setting. I assume you're using the 25%, 50% 75% and 100% settings?


M.A.S.C Club Member
coloagro;151538 said:
Thanks Virgil! I'm only a few weeks away from fraggin a couple things...of which I'll be handing over to you for your acrylic help :)
[/URL] GIFSoup[/IMG]


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Tank looks really good.


M.A.S.C Club Member
munch;151539 said:
I have the same leds, so I'm more curious about how long you're running each setting. I assume you're using the 25%, 50% 75% and 100% settings?
No I dont use those because they are manual only. My ramping is done with my supplemental lights and then the main fixture is run at 100%. My schedule is the following:

2- 12" 453n Actinic's on at 12:00pm
1 -24" Magenta/Royal Blue on at 1:00pm
Main ON at 100% Blues/Whites at 2:00pm
Main OFF at 100% Blues/Whites at 11:00pm
1-24" Magenta/Royals off at 12:00am
2-12" 453n Actinic's off at 1:00am


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok, got it. I've been flipping mine manually, so it's not very precise. Need to look into a better solution :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
munch;151545 said:
Ok, got it. I've been flipping mine manually, so it's not very precise. Need to look into a better solution :)
You can run them at 100%. Just go buy some 12" stunners and use double stick tape. Put everything on timers and boom you got dawn/dusk! Technically coral doesnt need this ramping period but it makes us feel better. I think the more you simulate their natural habitat the more successful you will be :) GL let me know if you have other questions or if you want help, I'm always down to help! Do you have a CAD Tank? Not many of us out there so I'd love to see some pics!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Cool, thanks for the info. I've got a 39G Professional Series CADLights AIO. It's been a slow process for me, too many other expensive hobbies competing for my time and $$ :)

I'll need to grab some shots and post em up.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, the tank was torn down due to a move about 4 months after I started it. BUT its back up! Same equipment minus a few changes with totally different rock. Most of the coral was sold off but I still have a few pieces. The new setup is approx 1.5 months old. I'm working on trying to get funds together for my Big Boy Build 75g or 90g. I hope to have a project in my garage by November :) I'll take some new pics here this week! Thx for lookin