Need Input ASAP


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I'm thinking of setting up a qt/ hospital tank set up. My idea was to stack two 40 gallon breeders to be able to qt all my fish at once. Here's where the question comes into play. If I use medication in the tanks( not copper) and then after all the qts done I was thinking of using one tank for freshwater storage ond one for saltwater storage. Will that be ok or will the medication leach into the top off water enough to worry about


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think that depends on the medication. There are medications that are reef safe that wouldn't be a problem in an instance like this.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
But what about the ones that aren't reef safe? I mean I would drain them completely and rense them out after medicating then fill up with rodi for water storage?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Maybe use a bleach cleaner and a few days to air dry before RO/DI storage but not sure I would risk it....Think of the neg. possibilities. What a nightmare it would be if something got into your dispaly.

A couple of 32 gallon brutte trash cans works great for my RO/DI and Salt water storage.


M.A.S.C Club Member
My understanding is copper stores itself in the silicon. You mention not using copper so I think you would be ok.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I just don't have much room for storage that's my delema but I need to qt all my fish in my fish only for 8 weeks or so to get the ich out of the system I was thinking I could do a sweet setup and kill two bites with one stone


M.A.S.C Club Member
Craigar;134039 said:
But what about the ones that aren't reef safe? I mean I would drain them completely and rense them out after medicating then fill up with rodi for water storage?
But what I'm saying is if you are using Reef safe medications then it wouldn't matter either way. You should be able to have a successful QT using these meds. If not I wouldn't risk it either, I'd do something similar to what amonchak is saying above.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would use the stuff elite uses it starts with a p I think its pariz or something and isnt as harsh as copper


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
PraziPro will have absolutely no effect in ich. Nothing "reef safe" will get rid of ich. If you are going to set up a QT be prepared to dedicate it. Just my .02. If you want more than .02, PM me or ask Will from Premier at the January meeting. He is talking about quarantine, right?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm always safe than sorry. Why introduce the wife to the girlfriend (not saying cheating is cool) but I think separate is always the way to go.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Prazipro can be removed using carbon or a poly filter. It won't leach and is actually quite reef safe except with certain species of feather dusters and flatworms.

It's not used for ich though, but for treating fish for flukes.


M.A.S.C Club Member
if you make a special request to our local sponsors I'm sure one of them would be able to accommodate your QT needs and save you the hassle

there is a QT demo at the meeting this month and that would be a good question to bring up there if you can make it


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I use a 1 55 gallon tank for salt and ro/di. then store the ro/di in homer buckets with lids. Then fill it back up and mix my salt for water changes


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's ok to reuse a tank which has been treated with Prazipro. Copper on the other hand, I would keep the tank as a QT tank only and not introduce any inverts.


Users with zero posts needing moderation to determine if they are spam bots
At the cost of fish, I would get something new and not worry about it, penny wise, dime foolish.