New 90 gallon in wall build

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I got my rock in today. The rocks that they sent me are HUGE. The smallest one is the size of a cantaloupe most of the others are the size of a basketball. I am still working on aquascaping them all. It didn't look like much until I put it in the tank. I think I may eventually order another 25 pounds or so, but I don't know yet. Here are a couple of pics of the rock. The first is of the smallest piece, which you can also see in the other pic. The second pic is of all of the rock. I will get more pics once I am done aquascaping.

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I got 75 pounds, but i probably should have ordered 100. Here is a pic of the rock sort of scaped. I will probably make some changes, but I am pretty happy with it the way it is.

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The tank is pretty well done cycling and is experiencing the ever annoying diatom bloom. I will have the LED light completed on Thursday night and the first inhabitants go in on Saturday. I have purchased a nice rose anemone and mated pair of black and white clowns from haddonisreef (sp?). I am SO ready to finally get started with stocking the tank!!! Here is a pic I took of the tank tonight. I redid a little bit of the scape and only one of the LED's is working in this pic.

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I got the new drivers for my light today and got working completely. I also moved a couple of coral frags over to see how they do. No SPS yet, I moved a green toadstool leather and a 2 head frogspawn frag from another of my tanks. They seem to be happy so far. Within just a few minutes both started to open up. Here are a couple of pictures of each. The first is right after putting them in the tank. The second is after about 30 minutes.

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I picked up the clowns and RBTA last night and they all seem pretty happy so far. The RBTA was on the move ALL night and still is, hopefully it finds a spot it likes soon. Also the clowns are still not hosting the RBTA in the new tank. They were hosting it when I picked them up and would not leave it while they were in the bucket, but as soon as they went in the tank they forgot all about it. I know that it can take some time for clowns to host an anemone in captivity, but since they were already hosting this one I didn't think it would be an issue.

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The RBTA has more than doubled in size and looks FANTASTIC. I fed it for the first time today and it took it immediately. I am thrilled with the new additions. However, the clowns are still not showing any interest in it. They instead seem to have chosen to host the overflow box on the opposite side of the tank from the RBTA.

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I was surprised that my green toadstoool leather wasn't more peaved about my RBTA literally walking of over it. :) You can't really see it in the pic, but the RBTA's foot is covering about a 1/3rd of the touadstool.


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Unfortunately, after a long battle trying to save the RBTA, it finally died today. I still don't know what happened to it or why it didn't survive in my tank. I will let the tank mature a bit more and then try again. I tested my water params this evening and plan on doing another water change tomorrow night. My params right now are:

Temp = 78.5
pH = 7.8
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 5ppm
Phosphates = 0
Calcium = 420
dkH = 8

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Unfortunately, after a long battle trying to save the RBTA, it finally died today. I still don't know what happened to it or why it didn't survive in my tank. I will let the tank mature a bit more and then try again. I tested my water params this evening and plan on doing another water change tomorrow night. My params right now are:

Temp = 78.5
pH = 7.8
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 5ppm
Phosphates = 0
Calcium = 420
dkH = 8

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So the tank is still doing well. Not a lot of changes. However, I was over at BPreefers house the other day and jokingly mentioned that I would one of his RBTA's from him, and the next thing I know I am leaving $45 more poor. I am super happy with the purchase.

The RBTA is looking great! It opened up to twice it's normal size in no time and has not moved from the spot I placed it (kind of a bummer since I don't really want the rock it's attached to in the display). My clown have still not hosted it, but they hover near it most of the time. I expect to see them dive into it any day. Here are some pics for you all.

You can see the clowns hovering near it in this pic (I also changed the white balance to bring out more of the red color of the nem)



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
That thing looks twice as big as it did in my tank. Hope the clowns host it soon. Sorry you left poorer, but glad you were happy. Lol

sent from my Evo using tapatalk

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The RBTA is still doing Very well. I did have a powerhead fall off the glass and blow sand all over the tank. This is the second time this has happened so I removed it from the tank. At the moment I only have one powerhead , but the RBTA does't seem to mind the lack of flow. It has actually bubbled up since I removed the powerhead. I will be getting my first MP40 tomorrow, so the flow will be improved then and we will see hot the RBTA reacts to that.
