NEW tank


M.A.S.C Club Member
i got the rough demesions for you guys the stand is 24wide 55 long 40.5tall plus a 1in peice of granit so 41.5 tall the tank is 18 wide 48 long and 30 tall. I am cutting it evry close with the lights above i will not have alot of room for adjustments. i thnk there is around 10. between top of tank and ceiling.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well i wouldnt say WAY up north just wyo it was about the same drive time as it is to aurora in rush hour. but yea i like it alot i cant use the canopy cause of clearence issues but its all coming together nicely.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I hope you like it I have the same tank and HATE it......:)


M.A.S.C Club Member
to deep very hard doing any work towards the bottom. Have to literally get on top of the tank to reach the bottom. They are hard to scape in my opinion as well.


M.A.S.C Club Member
yea that is what i have come to accept as far as cleaning. now scaping i am going to be making some rocks so i hope to make that a little easier. what kind of return flow do you have going to it? also what is your total turn over rate? i have a chance to upgrade from the little gian that came with it to a barracuda. if i do that i will be running a spray bar around the top rim.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think your scape could be really cool with the use of PVC. If you have ever been to Gonzo's, his scrapes are sweet and I think his personal tank is the same size. I googled aqua scape and got tons of really cool ideas from there. If you want to use the canopy you can always bring it up and we can rip it to size in my dads wood shop.


M.A.S.C Club Member
thanks yea i have been researching ideas. and thanks i think i am just going to build one due to the space issues. but thank you for the offer.


M.A.S.C Club Member
a little more of an update on the tank build. I did a trial run making some agrocrete. i put some pics up of some of the steps i will pull them from the molds sunday night. Ill take some pics of the rock before i put them in water to cure...I also would like some opinions on what i should do for the bottom of m tank as far a substrate goes. I want sand but i am not going to spend a fortune on "aquarium sand". i bought home depot play sand and it is not aquarium safe! IMO so i was thinking BB or maybe if this rock comes out good i could just do a rock bottom by making a few flatter pieces. let me know what you guys think...or i guess if you have some cheap sand