Premier stepping in with some awesome donations for the club auction, with a
Skimz Monster sn123 Mini skimmer, and a
GHL master 4-channel doser!!!! Thanks for those!
This is going to be the best auction yet. The previous auction, at Coral Extravaganza 2018, we were able to raise, and donate almost $300 to the ADEproject, which is pretty good, but I would love to do a lot more. I know we can, and so far it looks like we will, but we still need your help. So bring your items down to the event, lets make you some quick cash, and we can all help a good cause while we are it. Check out CRF for more info on their efforts to conserve and restore the Florida reef system
As a reminder, the Auction is open to anyone who has any Aquarium, or Marine, related items they want to sell. Just about anything can go in the auction, including livestock, frags, new ,or used equipment. Just need to be healthy, clean, and/or in good working order. See full rules for more Details
Hope to see you all there!
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