Size doesn't matter build


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I’m on the west edge of Loveland. I travel quite often during the winter months and just got home last night. So it will take me a few days to get the tank looking spiffy again. I seem to get GHA blooms, when the tank is unattended to. So I manually remove that, so some water changes, and hopefully get everything dialed back in.

I’ll send you a PM


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Seriously one of the sexxyist preventative maintenance tasks completed today. Two new titanium heaters installed!

The old ones were approaching 3 years old, and I figured better safe than sorry. And I only had a single 100w heater as a backup, so the old ones will give me piece of mind in case of a failure.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Seriously one of the sexxyist preventative maintenance tasks completed today. Two new titanium heaters installed!

The old ones were approaching 3 years old, and I figured better safe than sorry. And I only had a single 100w heater as a backup, so the old ones will give me piece of mind in case of a failure.
What heaters did you go with?


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
These ones are Hygger titanium tubes, replacing the Finnex titanium. I looked at the ones from BRS but the reviews were really hit or miss.
Awesome stuff i have been using quite a bit of hygger products lately there hygger mini wavemaker does awesome in nanos have it on the 20g build and have heard great things about the big brother to that wave maker. Keep us posted on how they do for you...are you running them with an inkbird or anything? Or using the hygger controller?


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Trying to get a better shot of this Bugatti chalice I got from @Haddonisreef several years ago. It’s getting close to 4 inches across and has just started to grow right over vermatid snails.

It’s growing in the back corner, kind of positioned away from the glass which makes it hard for me to photograph well.

View attachment 959
I dig it. How big was it when you got it?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Trying to get a better shot of this Bugatti chalice I got from @Haddonisreef several years ago. It’s getting close to 4 inches across and has just started to grow right over vermatid snails.

It’s growing in the back corner, kind of positioned away from the glass which makes it hard for me to photograph well.

View attachment 959
Looking good man! Grow it out so I can get a frag back lost mine last yr when I was in Africa.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
One of the Nero5 wave makers went down on Sunday. Power supply still works fine so I’m guessing an issue in the controller part. I rummaged around the fish room and actually found the original box, was able to run upstairs and proudly proclaim “Ha, this is why I hoard all of this shit!” My wife still seemed unimpressed. So I sent it back to AI yesterday, we’ll see what they say. The manufacture date on the box was March 2019!

I also took a picture of the new rainbow hammer under heavy blue….


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
M.A.S.C Secretary
I was actually quite proud of Mike for throwing away a flow restrictor valve today. He looked at me and said “look! Growth!”

That being said, he has come in handy with the hoarding a couple times. And we do currently have all the shark tank equipment (lights, two sicce returns, heaters, etc) in storage that we have no intention of getting rid of.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Got my new Nero5 back today and all set up. Seems like the newer generation has beefier magnets, might help some people with thicker glass. The torches definitely appreciate some added water movement!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

Well, a very interesting day has arrived! With our kids both soon to be out the door, empty nester syndrome has set in. We find ourselves spending more and more time at our condo in Mexico, and decided to sell our house here in Loveland and downsize to a Condo. This downsize is unfortunately going to carry over to my reef tank. But, have no fear! A couple weeks ago I saw my buddy @kchristensen8064 wanted back in, and I found the perfect situation to land my system! This is truly one of those everybody wins scenarios.

I have the makings of a 30g modified biocube (drilled with overflows to a sump) that I would like to set up one day. But for the meantime we need to sell our house and that’s so much work and stress that I’m going to take a break. I’m also not sure if a 30g reef is any less worry when we travel than a 120g system. So I have some pondering to do.

Sadly, this is probably the end of the road for this build thread! Maybe I’ll convince Kris to keep updating it from time to time, or maybe he’ll start a new thread. But never fear, I will forever be a MASC lurker. I check it every day, and I don’t see that stopping. And I have so many good friends here, I might have to keep going to meetings just to hang out.