The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah, I'm betting on Nerite, though.

Shots from tonight:

A shot at 100%:

And here are the ceriths at 100%. You can see how much smaller they are.

BTW, the ceriths have put down two more enormous strands of eggs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sigh. Drama has struck MOFIB. I'm sad to report that the best repository of marine fish breeding information has, sadly, had a hostile takeover. Laws are being broken. It's killing me. Sigh.

Anyway, this is not MOFIB, thankfully.

Thanks, Jason! The little buggers are still in the sac as of this evening. No photos today as we spent the whole day moving the rest of our stuff and cleaning the rent house.

My faith in human nature is very quickly dying here....


M.A.S.C Club Member
Matt went on vacation. In his absence the other two directors of the organization voted him off the board. In the meantime, they've also removed language for directors to serve terms (i.e., once on the board they can now stay on as long as they want to) and removed language allowing the membership to elect directors. It seems that they may be placing corporate assets (for example, the website database that holds all posts) into personal accounts as well. Pretty much all of this is against the law, but it costs money to hire a lawyer to fight it.

Anyway, sorry to bring the drama here.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I wish I could have read all the posts before they deleted them all. I only have one side of the story from Luis. I wish Matt would show up and give us his side, although I don't know if they will allow him to post now.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'd say the chance of Matt coming back to tell his story is pretty low. Quite the reward for all the work he poured into that community.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Is this done in a system specifically designed to breed these guys or something you just watch going on in your regular tanks. It looks like fun, I wanna try.
had just recently read some stuff that was from there or so I was told now I can't go get info there, Greed kills all things good eventually it seems.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, you know, you can still go get information there. I've decided to stay away for a while. I was getting bitter and it wasn't doing anyone any good. It really sucks when you tell someone, "You are breaking the law," and they just ignore you and keep on going.

Hey, news! The dottybacks spawned again today. They were one day later than schedule, but a gramma kicked the male out of his hole yesterday and that seemed to throw off the timing. Man, the female was huge!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Threads do not live on snail pictures alone (from what I can tell). So, on to some coral photos?


Oddly enough, I didn't use the Nightsea gear on that shot. Having actinics--though I hate them--helps with the photos.


Some of you may remember that I'm fairly Euphyllia-obsessed, especially reproductive strategies in the family. So, Euphyllia glabrescens, a known tentacle-brooder:



M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey! It looks like the snails have hit a development milestone!

The egg case from above:

A close-up:

The next case over, part way through turning the lobes into feeding tubes:

A close-up:



M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks! I took those with the monster: Canon MP-E 65mm.

What is Nightsea?
Oh, more goodies to spend money on. :)

Charlie Mazel is one of the world's experts on fluorescence. As a side gig he cuts filter sets to fit your camera and flash unit so you can do fluorescence photography. Plus, he seems like a great guy from the interactions I've had with him. Maybe I should do some of that after work today.... :)
Cool. It almost seems like basically using the UV setup you would use to find leaks in a car AC system, unless it's more complicated than that...

I was actually thinking of gelling my strobe to match actinics and using it for coral shots...once I get a PC cord though. I think I'm gonna have to order this stupid cable online... Not sure if it would bring out any fluorescence, but who knows.