The build thread: 430gal. display

Those starry blennies are definitely one of, if not the most beautiful of the species.
What does the full tank shot look like these days?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Honestly, the FTS is looking like a lot of snail eggs on the glass. I'm trying to grow out the cerith population, so I'm scraping around all the eggs. I'm having some trouble with some corals, but I keep having issues pop up. Recently, I forgot to turn a fan back on and had the display run up to 84, the dosing pump broke down so the pH hasn't been as stable, and I accidently over-topped off again so the salinity hasn't been as stable. None of them were really huge issues, but I think that together they were trouble. So, I lost a torch coral and a cat's paw this time around. But I have acros that are doing fine. Who knows? It's a matter of finding corals that can thrive in the conditions that I give them, though. So I'm still slowly working on that. I'm also currently trying to make some inroads on a little (well, big) aiptasia outbreak that I let get a little out-of-hand. There's not much in the display, but my frag tank is pretty bad.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I finally got a stage micrometer, so I can give you size comparisons of the eggs over time:

May, 720 microns

August, 770 microns

I just read an interesting fact. An eye of a needle is around 749 microns wide.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Nope. Demersal spawners. She didn't look that big later in the evening, but I also never saw the male guarding any spots. I need to keep an eye on them today to see what can be seen....


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I've fed them. I've been too busy with work to actually look at anyone today. Sigh. Hey, I think I found my first coral recruit last night! I haven't figured out what kind of coral it is yet, though, other than that it's a hard coral of some kind.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmm. It was off in a corner where I couldn't get a great shot, but then it disappeared again about the time I got things cleared out. But I just found another, probably a hitchhiker. LEt me see if I can get a photo:

It's way in the center of a coral skeleton, so it's hard to light. It looks like maybe a little torch coral or something.


M.A.S.C Club Member
If it's a torch then it's likely some tissue that survived from one that color that disintegrated on me a couple of months back. I'm sure happy to see it in there! It's a good 10-11 feet from where the parent colony was.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't understand your question. I had a torch that melted down. When they do that, they often send tissue frags off as a last-ditch survival technique (I assume). Looks like that one got caught in the rock and managed to attach.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Oh, my tank hasn't had a real crash. I've lost some corals, but never all of them. And some have held in there the whole time the tank's been up. Heck, I even have one acan that I've had the entire time that I've been in the hobby. It's survived some pretty significantly bad conditions, but is chugging along.

I'm digging the time change. I just got to see the mandarins successfully spawn for the first time in a couple of months! :)