The build thread: 430gal. display


M.A.S.C Club Member
A full-tank shot from today. It's still lacking in the coral department. After losing several acros to my last low-pH thing, I'm still trying to make sure that things are stable before bringing in any more frags. Corals other than acros were fine and a couple of the acro colonies showed no problems. **Shrug** The algae is pretty close to gone with large patches of concrete in places. Coralline has started putting in appearances in places.

I had a big screw-up the other day. Thought I'd turned off the top-up hose and moved on to feeding the seahorses. Apparently not. I guess I pumped about 80-90 gals. of freshwater into the system. Doh. Fortunately, that was only enough to move me from 1.025 to 1.023. No big. :)

And here's a seahorse kid on day 8.

That full tank shot is pretty cool. Is that a panorama including the "L" section or just the longer flat side? Something about the lightning and aquascape that is really dramatic.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks. That's just one photo of the long leg. The short leg extends back on the left side of the photo. You can see the Mag Float way back there that catches a little light.

But, yeah, it'll be a lot more dramatic when it's covered with corals. But it's a long, slow road....


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yep, here's another photo. This one wasn't using the flash, so the color is a little different from the macro:



M.A.S.C Club Member
I did indeed. It's a lovely sea fan and I'm really happy. The only time it's retracted it's polyps since I got it in place was when I dosed some Mag Chloride this evening. Even then, it was only retracted for about 20 mins.


M.A.S.C Club Member
It's been a while since the last Seahorse photos, sorry. The fishbowl's starting to get a little nasty, inside and out, so it's harder to get good photos.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks like the gorgonian is growing! Look at that wee baby polyp!

Of course, that's not the same branch that I shot before, so it's not a true before and after.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I want to say up-front that I have _not_ given up on the sixlines. But they are being difficult right now (everything's set up and ready and they stopped spawning). So, in an effort to encourage them to get their act together I decided that I would try collecting some other larvae and see if I can make them jealous.

So, I set up the monster of a larvae snagger:

And got some gobies, first night. I need to tweak the placement a bit as the catch was a bit disappointing. But the live ones went into the larval rearing tank. This little guy didn't make it, but bravely volunteered to go under the microscope for me:



M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I have a tub full o' rots. I got a bad collection of gobies. The sixlines still aren't cooperating. So, the file female was looking ready tonight. I watched her like a hawk for two hours. And then ... they spawn into a powerhead intake. Zero eggs collected. Sigh. I'm catching no breaks.

But, here's a still from the video:

And here's the video:

Day 229 in my care and 169 days since the last time they've seen a coral.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I _thought_ this guy had eggs last week, but I only got one peek at them and never saw them again. He has much more confidence this time.

A great end to a truly rotten week.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I managed a small collection of what I think are probably orchid dottyback larvae this morning. This one didn't make it:



M.A.S.C Club Member
I finally figured out what was going on with the sixlines. They are now spawning around three hours later than they used to, so I just wasn't leaving the collector in long enough. I only managed a few tonight as I watched sans collector. I caught these by just shoving a jar under the overflow output. I will try again in earnest starting tomorrow.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Thought I'd update. I'm now starting after the sixlines more seriously. Now the eggs are being hatched and placed into a rearing tank.

Collections so far:

8/31: 111 eggs
9/1: 69
9/2: No collection
9/3: 153