Honestly, I like this last points plan, and unless we get more than 5 people concerned about it, I say we run with it.
Right now, nobody has any advantage, I just like an easy score for people to figure on their own.
When it comes down to the last handful fighting, it's going to have to be pics showing the frag - top down or its best position to represent the heads. It's like instant replay, if we cant see a skirt, there's no assumptions. You see a skirt, it's a head, no skirt it's a baby, simple as that, and we tally. I don't want to compare sizes of babies or anything like that. It's either a head or a baby. Now, if it's too close to call, I say we declare it a tie. I'd rather two people walk away with a split than have one person mad because he thought the interpretation was against his, or whatnot.
I keep saying he... could be "she" as well!
Hopefully, someone grows the heck out of it and its a landslide, no question.