New profile posts

Hi there! I just saw you offering some sps frags. Do you mind if I message you when I'm in Longmont next week to see if you still have some tort or birds nest?
Thanks for generosity and happy reefing!
Hey there just checking to see if you still have any good size frags of SPS available? I am just looking for any coral right now so if you have any cool LPS I am interested also. I hope all is well
Hey Aaron-

Hope all is well! Let me know if you have any corals left and I will buy them!

hey i am interested in your bounce mushroom. how much were you looking to get?
Is you EB8 the new style (white label) or old (black) style? I’m seeing them go on eBay from $80-$115.
Hey bud I’d like to take a lot of that off your hands but my tank isn’t ready yet. Would you be willing to hold that stuff?
How much are you selling your rock for? I need some for my 90 I’m setting up for my daughter but it seems everyone thinks their rocks are made of gold or something. Lol