I have about 40 pounds or so of some bleached and cleaned rock you can have for the school if you need it. Would highly recommend getting rid of all Paly in a school environment. I love the brightwell NO3 export bricks. Has hands down beat the marine pure in my tanks. would only need one.
I appreciate the offers guys but I’m going to pass on the dry rock. I am anticipating a cycle but I just don’t have time before school starts to wait for dry rock to cycle. I do plan to remove a lot of the palys but I won’t be removing them all. The kids do hel with this tank but not to the point where I would ever have to worry about palytoxins.
So the tank is half empty and all but three of the fish are out. I will be back at it bright and early tomorrow. I will take some pics tomorrow. Only two of the three stock tanks held water so I had to deal with less space for the critters.
This is awesome! Killer setup! I wish I could of had something like this in one of my classrooms when I was growing up. I might have liked school a little more.
No but I called Planet and they said a lot of times it’s due to imperfections in the plywood. He said I could put 1/4” foam under it or shims if it will make me feel better but really I’d be fine to just add water.
So I decided on a very simple aquascape and remember that I have rock with corals in vats outside my classroom. I went with two islands or patch reefs one front one back in opposite corners. I am hoping they eventually grow together with some swim throughs. Tank is full and will hopefully be ready sometime next week to get everyone back home.