ULM cubicle reef

Looks pretty fetch. What are your plans for it? Butterflies? Angels? Zoa garden?

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Main goal is low maintenance and quiet since it’ll be at work and I sit fairly close to other people.
I want to keep it simple. Zoas, ricordia, acanthus, GSP and euphillia. Maybe even some Xenia on a little island rock because even though it’s a weed... non-reefers love watching it!
I’ll prob do 1-2 clowns, a goby/shrimp pair, a Pygmy angel and a cleaner shrimp.

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So here is the plan

-IM peninsula 20
-2x XR15
-sicce return pump
-XF 230 gyre
-InTank media racks
-Neptune Apex
-Neptune DoS for Auto Water changes
-Neotherm heater
-Caribsea Liferock

-naked clowns (if I can find them)
-dwarf angel (flame back, potters, etc)
-goby and pistol shrimp
-cleaner shrimp
-crabs and snails
-Algae Barn refugium started pack... chaeto

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks great. Following along for sure.
I agree 100% about the Xenia, non reef people love it! Same with the GSP I have covering the back of my tank.

FMM for the atk and probably an ATO emergency solenoid. WXM to control radions

Auto water change

Refugium in AIO

GYRE ( if it’ll fit) with icecap backup

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ISSUE #1-gyre won’t fit due to magnets in the back interfering with AIO baffles and stuff

I really don’t want to put it on the glass sides so gotta find a way to make this work.... or do a different wave maker

One solution

I don’t love this mainly because I will probably have sand and this will blow it everywhere. But this would work fine for bare bottom

Any other ideas?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
How about using a gyre 1k instead? That is a bit smaller and can still be controlled by apex with an add on interface.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I didn’t know about this. Great idea. After watching their video I also wonder if I can use just half of the xf230....

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You might still have the magnet not fitting problem with the 230 even if you take one half off.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
You might be able to design and 3D print a bracket to hang on the back wall and hold the gyre farther forward, abandoning the magnets all together.
I’m going to need a cabinet under the desk to support the weight of the tank and hold all the ATO, AWC and controller

The long paper is where he tank will sit

View without doors

If I ever move I can just put the tank on the stand

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