Here’s the rock scape please feel free to critique it!! Brutal honesty!!
As someone who is currently trying to scape I feel your pain.
My .02
the middle branch looks off to me, maybe it is too "contrived" or or IDK I would think if that was getting pummeled by waves all day would it still be perfectly horizontal? It is a great rock that you could use to add more caves away from the center of the tank.
I personally love the coral skelly, you could break it into two or 3 pieces to help tie all 3 rock types together.
(not sure if the lone rock in pic 3 fell or is intentionally an island)
if it is an intentional island do you have a piece that is less "blobish?" something to help tie in the branches would be nice, thinking skinny and vertical.
Really like the overhang you have in the upside down pic!
keep up the work and the pics!