Glued up the glass. I was very disappointed with the quality off Rtv I was supplied. I won’t be using momentive again. Full of bubbles and shot like $h!!. Ugh. Oh well. I’m not cutting it apart to redo it. But I will be testing it in the workshop before it relocated to my living room.
I also got the overflow assembled and installed. I need to let it all cure and I can fill test it.
View attachment 20406
Spent the last few days working on the Apex. Got a solenoid setup to flush my rodi system when the RODI reservoir auto fills or when the saltwater barrel is low. Automation is amazing.
I was thinking about plumbing my refugium to the sump and filling them up just so I don’t run out of water when it comes time to fill the tank and to get the sand and bio block started. It needs to get plumbed anyway.
I’m hoping next week this thing will see some saltwater.
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