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  1. J

    Question ??

    The rocks will be packed with dead organics. It will decay. It won't likely cause any spikes, but expect your residual no3 and po4 to rise in the back end. It can take years for dead/dry rock to act like real live rock again - all of the dead organics need to get into the nooks and crannies...
  2. J

    What is everyone's favorite bright yellow SPS

    If you post a photo under daylight,I can probably give you a pretty good guess.
  3. J

    What is everyone's favorite bright yellow SPS

    There are almost no true yellow acropora. Most that shine are greenish under heavy blue light. RR Wolverine gets pretty yellow and so can the OG Tyree Pink Lemonade. If you have very daylight type of lights, then Yellow Tort can be pretty yellow, but it gets green with more blue. WWC Yellow...
  4. J

    Looking to trade SPS/coral for Colorado Sunburst Anemone

    I have CSBs, willing to trade and ship. I have traded with many people over the years and maybe even your friend.
  5. J

    Do any of you use Ozone?

    I will also mention that OPR are one of the weakest links in any reef system that uses them. Only perhaps pH probes are worse. Just like I almost NEVER recommend that a calcium reactor be tuned and set to run off of a pH probe, I would not trust a ORP probe wholesale since they do fail, drift...
  6. J

    Do any of you use Ozone?

    Dr. Randy Holmes-Farley wrote 2 articles on ORP. I recommend that you read and understand both of them and then decide if you want to go down this route. For me, juice is not worth the squeeze. If I just want more clear water, a bit of vinegar or some granular activated carbon can do this...
  7. J


    Are any of the presentations going on YouTube? I had last minute family stuff and was bummed out, but maybe I lucked out by not getting sick.
  8. J

    Clam Placement

    Put two small rocks flanking it. See if that keeps it upright. Mine can sometimes turn to catch rays that bounce off of the front glass- my large blue squammies liked to be parallel to the front glass no matter how I positioned them.
  9. J

    Free ASM G-4X Skimmer

    I still have a few of those. I put Sicce PSK pumps on them and they skim as well as any new skimmer... and better than most. Somebody is going to be happy with this.
  10. J


    I saw that. I would really like to know what they are going to be speaking about. It might just be a surprise.
  11. J


    Does it say on the website what the speakers are going to be talking about? Am I just stupid?
  12. J


    I dunno. Waiting to see what they presenters are going to speak about.
  13. J

    ALERT: Colorado Pet Tax for ALL Animals

    Since the introduction of dial-up bulletin boards, there have been posts and worries about similar things. I cannot remember any of them that have passed outside of really deadly or harmful type of restrictions on venomous snakes, tigers, lions, cougars (the 4 legged kinds), etc. You just have...
  14. J

    WTB: Fiji Dry Rock

    You might have to pry most of that out of the dead hands of the people that have it. The rock that the gulf places put into the ocean are better than most dry. Check out TBS, KP, etc. There is cultured rock from Fiji - you can order it here:
  15. J

    Kayvon's rebirth tank

    Coffee filters work good for wormwood.
  16. J

    300 DD dream tank

    Yes. this one... great coral.
  17. J

    300 DD dream tank

    Did you keep that purple and teal prostata/millepora? Fabulous.
  18. J

    Emergency help

    Make sure that the tank has some heaters and flow and it will be Ok without the sump for a while.
  19. J

    Free Commercial Chiller

    AquaChill Industries Chiller. This is a commercial drop-in unit like you see in Lobster tanks. Takes r134a and has a service port - it probably needs a squirt of refrigerant. This is a high end chiller. It comes with a working Ranco Controller. 110v. Free in Longmont.
  20. J

    New to Colorado not new to reefing :)

    There are a lot of folks in Northern Front Range even if they don't post a lot. Just let us know what you might need and you should get some good help and stuff.