Alright everyone lol I have some opinions just from working at a hospital. The hospital I worked at was not at all interested in switching from Fresh to Saltwater, even if the equipment was free, just because of the further upkeep that saltwater tanks are. IMO from working at one for MANY years, it's going to be VERY hard to set up a tank in a hospital, just have to go through so many people just to even pitch the idea of a tank, much less a saltwater tank.
I personally, of course we should/can vote, think that MASC as a whole should stay away from politics, religion, etc just because we don't want to involve ourselves in ANY more contreversy than we need to, even if we think it won't happen, something can ALWAYS happen, and we want to avoid those moments as much as possible.
I also approached Rebel from Columbine and asked if he would be the first school to participate in a new program that we wanted to start that was titled "tanks for teachers." In short, the program would see all of the people who help with the tank show us all of their progress. If they do a water change, what do they observe, what do they learn. What are the parameters of the tank, in case of a problem later, we can see trends. ETC!! They would basically fill us in on everything they do/see in the tank. It would also give them the opportunity to seek better equipment, and give us the opportunity to try and support them with info, and product (where we can). It didn't seem like there was much interest in this here, (it's more popular on the west coast) so it never took off.